Lucius' lesson, though it did not seem as though it was taxing, had him sweating by the time they were done, and he had not moved five feet from the time the lesson began. A quick shower later, and he was whisked away to the library to read with Snape. He had been looking forward to that all day, simply kicking back and relaxing with a book, wrapped in Tom's arms. The end of that lesson had come all too soon. Then, a light lunch of grilled cheese sandwich made with Muenster cheese and tomato soup so delicious that Harry swore the recipe was stolen from the Gods.
"There is no such thing as God," Tom had reminded him, amused at him when he had voiced his gratitude of how delicious the lunch was. "It is only a concept created by humans to make them feel better about themselves. Just as there is no good or evil, another concept created by humans. There is only power-"
"And those too weak to seek it," Harry had finished with a smile, reminiscing to the first encounter he remembered of the man, reciting the words he had said. Smirking, he had plopped the last bite of grilled cheese in his mouth, giving an 'mm' at the taste, "Still think I'm too weak to seek it?"
Chuckling, the man had leaned over to him, entwining their fingers on top of the table. "I never thought you were too weak to seek it. Just far too repressed, with the things Dumbledore pumped into your head." Even Harry could not argue with him there.
Now, they were on their way to Bella's lesson, the only of the three that took place after lunch. The teen had been dreading seeing her all day. Not simply because of what she was going to teach him, but he didn't want to see her. He had contemplated it, and he had come to a realization, so obvious that he did not know why it had not occured to him before.
"I hate females."
"Yes, I know this." Tom's voice said he was already aware. Peering down at the boy, he asked, "Are you just now figuring this out?" Scowling, the teen pulled away from him.
"Shut up, Tom. I never really thought about it before. But, thinking about it, I found it very obvious." The boy nodded, agreeing with himself. Chuckling, the Dark Lord ran his fingers through the boy's long hair. "I really don't like them." He looked up at the man, "Any of them." The man nodded in agreement, looking in front of them as they walked. "Including the one you're making me go see."
Tom gave no measureable response to the words, and the boy sighed, turning to look in front of him again. They came to a stop in front of the door where the lesson was being held. Pausing there, both heard Bella moving around inside, and the tinkle of chains bumping together from movement. Flicking his wrist, the Dark Lord opened the door. At the moment, Bellatrix was out of view, so all that the two saw of the room was the fake blonde, chained to the floor, semi-conscious.
Nudging him forward, the man whispered in his ear, "How about you go take it out on her?"
The woman's fake blue eyes opened, peering through fake eyelashes and thick makeup at the two. She trembled, her fear as evident as her disgust and repulsion. Her tremors were so violent that it was causing the chains to rattle, despite the fact that just an hour previously, Bella had told them that she had not harmed her. She was saving all of that for her Prince, she had claimed. And, from what Harry could see, the woman was not harmed, meaning that the woman had kept her word.
So, the Muggle was trembling in fear and disgust and repulsion even though she hadn't been harmed?
"Typical Muggle..." were the hissed words in his ear.
"Typical woman," he responded, making his way into the room without Tom nudging him forward. He made eye contact with the woman, walking over to her. She gazed up at him, her fear trickling from her face when she saw he was nothing more than a child. Her eyes flickered away from him over to Tom, and he felt bile rise to the back of his throat. "Yeah, I think I can do that, Tom."