These are your real thoughts?

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Dedicated to iijustabookwormii because this is something and it happened on the 28th.

Harry was almost skipping towards school, making sure to greet his neighbours who were outside and smile at Olivia. Olivia was his favourite part of the mornings actually which is a huge word since he pretty much loves everything and everyone.

Well almost everyone.

Making sure to walk towards the front door of his neightbours' house where he was idly lying, he petted the adorable, fluffy creature. He was a black and white cat and the cutest thing ever. It was actually Harry who named him but that feels like a whole life time ago.

Harry was quick to get away from the house as he heard that voice yelling a goodbye. He ran away fast really hating how he can't pet his baby anymore, continuing on and never even looking back as he heard the door slamming shut and the voice saying goodbye to Olivia as well.

Soon enough he reached his school and walked straight to his locker where his little group of best friends were already waiting for him.

"Hi guys." They all greeted him back as he got out his chemistry book, starting to converse with them.

"Harry did you hear it?"

"Hear what?" They started to head towards their classes individually only Niall sticking with the curly-haired lad.

"That we won't have our last period but need to go to the gym."

"Why is that? Please tell me it's not you and Liam who made a mess and we need to clean it now. I told you it's a dumb idea to try and fill up the room with skittles. How did you even buy so many?"

"What no, Harry focus. The whole school needs to go cause Tomlinson won some sort of competition and we're celebrating it or summat like that."

"Oh" That was pretty much it. Harry's full and honest reaction.

"I don't really care." Shrugging it off, he let Niall enter first, holding the door for him. He wasn't lying if anything he hates Tomlinson. They are taking it way too far at this point but Harry isn't the one who started it. It's all his fault.

Remember that someone he doesn't like? That's him.

He walked into the classroom and sat next to Ni while paying attention to their teacher who just started to read the names. She was barely half way into it when the door flew open, hitting the wall loudly.

"Bloody hell Zayn you're a fooking losah." Louis came in laughing loudly even though he hated this class since HE took it as well, not getting separated by years while Zayn run behind him and jumped onto Louis.

Losing balance, they both toppled to the ground and started to wrestle with each other, rolling around while Mrs. Johns was really shaken up, trying to collect her jaw and the class was losing it chuckling obnoxiously.

"Give it up Tommo or I'll show everyone that video."

"You wouldn't."

"Watch me."

"Well fook yourself then I'll send yours to Amrita."

"What video? I've never done anything embarrassing."

"Try again my dear as 15-year-old Zaynie would beg to differ."

"You do NOT have that video of me."

"Oh but I do."

"Guys the hell? Stop being so childish." Liam stepped over the arguing pair on the ground and walked to his desk.

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