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B held her fathers sword tight in her hand, so tight her knuckles turned white. She heard him approaching, as the wood hook rolled at a fast pace down the metal pipe she swung around and slashed him in the chest with the cutlass sword her father once used, it had his name engraved on the side: Jesse. S.. B heard the strong cotton material rip as her sword entered the dummy and she slowly pulled it out, but just as she was about to push it into her belt she heard a females voice.

"B!! B!!! Come!! Hurry!!!" She raced out of the hall pushing open the heavy wooden doors and jumping over any fallen trees to her sister Charlie. Unlike B Charlies hair was out loose flowing in the harsh wind that blew above the waterfall whereas B's was in a braid.

Charlie sat at the top of the waterfall where it was open and listened to her bird Marv whistle a beautiful tune. B was also at the top of the waterfall to keep an eye on everything, ever since her parents died she felt her two sisters were her responsibility, being the fighter out of them she felt it was her duty. And as for Angus; she stayed at the bottom of the waterfall in it's pool, she didn't really have a choice ever since that night.

"What is it Charlie?!" B panted.

"There's a man down there! What if he's come for Angus?! What if he knows about her?!!"

"It's okay.. I'll go sort it out." B started running, sprinting down the hill to the man and slashed at him he gave a scream and she looked him up and down but came to a hault when she recognised him. The King's son? The dead King's son is here..?

She pushed him up against a tree her knife pressed up against his neck. Her eyes looked at him in a sharp way, they were the darkest, warmest brown he had ever seen. "What are you doing here?! What do you want from us!!"

"N-n-nothing! I swear!" She removed her sword from it's original place and gave him one more patronizing look before completely moving away.

"What is your name?" She asked more calmly.

"You don't know? Really?"

"I really don't know."

"It's Heath. And you?"

B looked at the ground before lifting her eyes to meet his green ones, she paused for a moment before answering. "B. Just B." She reached out to grab his hand and looked at it closely. "Can I trust you?" B didn't really have to ask this question because she already knew she could but she was still careful.

"Yes. Can I trust you?"

"Ofcourse you can." She grabbed his good hand and led him through the damp forest to the top of the waterfall. Making a cup shape with her free hand she lifted the water from the waterfall and very slowly let it dribble onto his cut, and very slowly the cut sealed up. He looked up at her astonished and she gave the most beautiful smile he had ever seen.

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