Part 7

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Authors note- oh my god! Thank you Jesus Christ finally out of school! I make you guys wait forever for a ratchet chapter that for sure isn't good :( but I'll do all my best to update twice hopefully a week or more idk.

Ella POV

So like we got in Luke's car. I couldn't help and notice his muscular arms but I didn't like him I missed Taylor & Hayes I'm not sure who I actually have feelings for but I want the guys back I can't be away.

"Hey we are here" Luke told me snapping me out of my thoughts

I looked up to a huge house it looked nice.

He opened the door for me and I got out.

He took my suit case and his and we walked to the entrance of the house.

He knocked on the door shouldn't he have keys or forgot them?

A guy with dark brownish,black hair opened the door and made his mouth into a O shape.

"Woah their who's this beautiful lady?" He asked

"She's Elisabeth" Luke said

"MICHAEL! ASHTON!! Get your asses down here!! Theirs a pretty girl down here!!!" He yelled

"It's alright ignore Calum he's got major issues" Luke said

We walked inside and Luke lead me to the living room.

"Would you like any thing to drink?" He asked me

"Just water please" I said

"Calum! Get Ella a glass of water!" Luke yelled

'Sure thing!' He yelled back

Ella POV

*beep *beep my phone ringed

I picked it up quickly.

'Hello?' I asked

'Ella it's Taylor' he said

"OMG Taylor! I thought I wouldn't hear anything from you" I said excited

"Ella I just wanted to say why?" He said

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Why did you give yourself to Hayes and not me I loved you" he said

"Taylor I..I love you I was with Hayes because I felt a bit bad of saying no to him" I said

"I love you Ella I don't know what I'll do without you I need you in my life I can't live without you I'm gonna die without you" he said

"Taylor I've been crying mostly all day I want to go back but Cameron won't let me" I said feeling tears form in my eyes.

"Don't cry princess magcon is going to Australia in two days we are flying out at night and will be their in the morning we will be together baby girl don't worry" he said

He soft soothing voice calmed me down.

"Okay I miss you and please hurry up as soon as possible" I said

"Don't worry I will I'll find a way to get their early" he said

"Okay bye bye love you" I said

"FaceTime me later" he said

---- end of call-----

"Who was that just a question?" Luke asked

"Taylor... Caniff vine famous to" I said

"Yeah chill so where you staying tonight?" He asked

"Here's your water!" Calum said

"Thanks" I said

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