Chapter 10

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Joshua Parker

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Joshua Parker

The usual delay escaped me when I attempted to push through to the elevators, forgetting to take into consideration that the security line was at its peak of the morning.

"Late, Mr Parker?"

The irked tone of Chloe's voice met my ears as I turned to the receptionist desk, given that I was currently at a standstill. Her blonde hair was tied up today, and I could only guess that it was another of her desperate attempts to drive my gaze down to her chest instead of her eyes.

"Madison left her keys at home," I made the indiscreet effort to mention my fiancé's name, vexing Chloe into a silence that could only be drawn very rarely from her, "but yes, I am running late."

With that, I was thankful to see the security line moving a little quicker with the haste tapping of shoes, all from the people that now worked for me, only that they just didn't know it yet.

I found the private elevator at the end of the hall, avoiding the tight squeeze of the rush-hour public elevators. I pressed my badge onto the card scanner and clicked the only floor button inside, taking me all the way up to my required office space.

"Good morning Daisy," my voice was more cheerful in speaking with my favourite kind-hearted worker. Her red hair was dazzling like usual as she sent me a genuine smile, "is he in his office already?"

"Morning Josh. And no, he's being interviewed by Exposition this morning. Though you haven't missed him, he's just walking them around the floor before finishing in his office so you can wait for him in there."

"You're a star, thanks Daisy." I patted a soft hand down onto her desk and sent her a reflective smile just before making my way into Luke's office.

The room was matching exactly what I could recall in that there was not an essence of personalisation to any corner. The office was lacking an intimate touch, looking more like a showroom than that of a man who had worked in the building for over twenty years. Empty store-bought frames lined his bookshelf, all containing the original stock image of a different family, lacking his own.

I brought myself over to the far window, propping my laptop bag down in the process after slinging it from my shoulder. Traffic lined the city streets like a snake, weaving and coiling through the endless roads, adding another excuse for my absence of punctuality

My body remained still as I listened for the hushed sounds of Luke outside the office.

"If you'd all like to follow me and we can continue with the interview in my office."

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