Chapter 1:A new beggining

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*It's the night before your first day of school and you and your brother where getting ready for school*

You: Noah I don't think I want to go to school tomorrow What if nobody likes me maybe mom should just continue Home schooling me!

Noah:Aria you will be fine everybody will like you.

You:Are you sure?

Noah:I am positive.

Mom:Kids it's getting late time for bed!

You:ok mom good night.

Noah:I will wake you up in the morning Aria!

You:Ok good night Noah.

*The next morning*

Noah:Wake up Aria it's your first day I can't let you be late.

You:Ok I'm up!

Mom:Breakfast is ready.

*you and Noah go down stairs to eat breakfast and head Out the door to school*

You:Noah what if I get a bad teacher?

Noah:Don't worry I know all the grade eight teachers and I can promise you that you will love them. Also I am going To steve's after school so do you mind finding your own
way home?

You:Really On my first day of school?Fine.

*You get to school and you and Noah go your separate Ways*
You:Ugh where is my class?

*You are studying you class sheets to try figure out where to go when you feel someone tap you on the shoulder you turn around to see a guy with brown hair looking at you*

???:Hi did you need help finding your class?

You:Uh I think I am fine *laughs nervously*

???:I'm Will by the way and you are?

You:Hi I'm Aria.

*He looks over to see that your first class is Science*

Will:It looks like we both have science let me take you.

*You look at him and notice that he is blushing*

You:Sure lead the way.

Will:Ok let's go before we are late.

*you end up getting to class late and when you walk ineveryone's attention is turned to you*

???:And may I ask why you to are late?

Will:Oh sorry Mr.Clarke Aria here is new and I
was just Showing her around the school.

Mr.Clarke:Ok Will,Aria please don't let this happen again.

Will:We understand.

*You follow Will to the back of the classroom where there are two open seats.You see him wave to a group of friends and you can't help but notice one of the guys Will has waved to*

I hope you guys like it this is my first book so there is going to be punctuation and grammar errors. Comment and vote! I will try to update 2-3 a week.
Oh and if you are wondering yes I am having Annie Leblanc play the role of Aria.Love y'all 💕
🐰Happy Easter🐰

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