Chapter 8: The Kiss

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*All of your friends take turns calling their parents*

You:Do we want to go down to the basement?


*You and your friends go down to the basement and grab every singe Blanket and pillow and turn it into one big fluffy mat.

Mike:So what do we want to do?

El:How about a game of truth or dare?

You:Sure who wants to do first?

Will:I will.Max truth or dare?


Will:Do you like Lucas?

Max:Ya I do.

*Lucas and Max both blush*

Max:Ok My turn Aria.


Max:I dare you to kiss Mike.

*You look over and kiss Mike on the lips*

Lucas:You two are so cute together.

El:Even I can admit that you guys are adorable.

*You guys continue to play for a while and then your mom walks down to the basement*

Mom:You guys should get ready for bed it is getting late it's 11:00.

You:Ok we will be in bed soon.

Mom:Ok thank you guys I will see you in the morning.
*You and your friends get ready for bed and go and lay down*

El:Good night guys.

You:Good night.

*You guys turn the lights of and wake up a few hours later to the sound of something moving around you get up to see what it it*


Will:Oh sorry if I woke you up, I can't sleep.

You:That's ok did you want to go sit on the couch?


*You guys go and sit on the couches*

Will:So how are you liking school so far?

You:It's good and I'm really happy I meet you guys.

Will:I'm Really happy I met you.

You:Aw Will that me-

*All the sudden Will grabs you and kisses you*

Mike:What the hell is going on!?
Cliffhanger I know y'all probably hate me rn for this but oh well guess your just gonna have to wait for the next update. Also sry this is a rly short chapter. Love y'all and thx for reading💕

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