forty six

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this chapter is graphic!!! i cannot stress that enough. you'll be finding out exactly what went down the night of skyler's murder...

i picked up the phone and held it to my ear, oliver on the other side doing the same.

"hey rose."

"hi." i said quietly. he didn't look the same. he had numerous tattoos, his hair a mess. prominent dark circles around his eyes.

"it's been awhile?"

"why'd you do it? we hadn't seen each other in years."

"he hurt you. how's your son?"

i swallowed hard. "he's fine."

"i'm sorry he won't have a dad."

something had snapped in oliver in the last five years. he didn't seem sorry at all — he giggled after he said that.

"he has jack."

"jack, jack, jack. always about jack." oliver rolled his eyes. "if you would've stayed with me you wouldn't have ended up like this, and i wouldn't be in fucking PRISON!"

he threw his phone at the glass wall, causing me to jump back a little. officers on his end pulled him away and from behind me, another officer came up and said "it's alright, he can't get to you." before escorting me out of the visitation room.

i met my dad in the car, not making eye contact.


"so? papí, está loco. ¡mentalmente inestable!" i shouted.

"not always."

SEPTEMBER 17TH — night of the murder

picture this.

victor ventura and oliver ortiz landed at jfk airport around 12:30 am, local time, victor in a suit and oliver in all black.

oliver, unaware as to why he was accompanying his ex girlfriend's father across the country (but secretly hoping it would help him get back in her good graces), followed mr. ventura through the airport. they had no bags, breezing by baggage claim. oh no, they'd need no bags. they'd be back in la before the night fell.

"so, uhh, this is cool of you and all, but why are we here?" oliver asked, victor giving him a side glance.

"ask questions later." he said sternly.

they got into a taxi.

"10 city point, brooklyn."

the taxi driver nodded and oliver stared out of the window. he had never been to new york, and was happy to be looking at all of the city lights. he just wished rose was there to see them, too.. being with her dad was close enough, though.

they arrived at a huge apartment complex. victor got out immediately, while oliver slowly got out. something felt wrong. very wrong.

"okay, ollie." victor said. "you're going to go up to floor 23, apartment 23L."

oliver nodded. "then what?"

"questions later." victor repeated.

they both got into the elevator, passing off as friends of skyler's. victor said "father in law."

that made oliver mad.

"who lives here?"

"a piece of shit, oliver. that's who."

the elevator dinged and they both got off, 23L being nearby.

"rosalina is pregnant. this dreadful excuse of a man is the father, and he thought it would be okay to lay a hand on her."

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