Chapter 1

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I woke up,
Just like any cheesy story would start. My almarm was blaring through the room making my ears ring. I sta there for awhile listening to the scream until I got annoyed by the unpresent silence.

My feet were only about an inch above the ground but I could feel the cold already streaming through my body. I shivered and my tail crept around my body to keep me warm.

Once I finally got the strength to get up, I took my morning shower. Taking showers was one of my favorite times if the day. Its like washing off the nightmars from the previous night off my mind. Finally clearing my head. I have a lot in my head, I basically live in my head, but my older brother is worse. He is schizophrenic. Sometimes, during the middle of the night, my family would wake up to screaming in the middle of the night. Its scary.

After I clead my mind, I stepped out of the shower and put on my clothes. I basically wear the same thing every day, a think skin tight undershirt, a oversized shipped sweater, and black or sometimes very light skinny jeans. Then I style my hair on how it was dried..... I pretty much go to school looking like I just woke up. But I'm fine with it, I'm comfortable.

I slipped on my covers and headed downstairs.

I don't think it was normally but I was for me. My parents were arguing. They were yelling and my brother had his hands over his ears. He wasn't scared, his ears were just sensitive.

One he saw me he smiled and waved me over to the kitchen past the living room full of screams.

"Here's your lunch. And ill drive you to school." He said to me. I smiled as a reply then nodded to show I was ready to leave this tornado.


"Have a nice day" Samuel, sorry I forgot to mention his name. My brothers name was Samuel well we call him Sam and he's 18.

He ruffled my hair. And I steeped out of the car. "Cole!" He called. I look back to face him. "9the grade is almost over. Take advantage of this time. Stay young."

"I will." Then I stepped into hell to find my friends. At least its better than at home.

I don't have a lot of close friends but I'm pretty 'popular' at the school. Well maybe not popular but every knew me and they would call me cute or adorable. I have a total of 5 close friends. Lillian and Liam, Jace, Paul, and Luke. They're all really protective over me and Luke. Im like the baby in the group and they're protective because he was bullied. How everyone found out was terrible. Luke told Jaces twin Isaac, then Isaac told the while school. Thus the bullying began. Were all pretty protective if him, I am as well even for my size, we be the shit out if anyone who tries to hurt him. Any Jace and Paul..... They're really cool but some time they, they, they just need to stop.

"Gummmmmy Bearrrrr!" See what I mean. I'm the baby so I have weird nicknames. Only call me by my real name if they were serious.

"Gummmmmy bear its my turn t have you." Paul said opening is arms meaning he wants me to sit in his lap. But before I could sit, Jace pick me up and held me.

"No! You had his yesterday." By this point Luke, Liam and Lillian were laughing like crazy.

"Stop laughing. This isn't funny. You guys should be helping me he's squeezing my insides out!" I yelled but that only made them laugh harder and Jace hold me tighter.

"But gummy bear, you'd been gone so long font you miss me." Jace whined the started to play with my tail.

"Its been two day and I had to stay home my brother was sick."

"You could have called." He pouted.

I shook my head and the bell rung.


It was finally 8th period and there were twenty minutes until I could go home. I was looking out the window while Luke and Liam where doodling things on there notes with their eyes closed while Jace watched. Right now liam was trying to draw sponge Bob but he look so deformed. His eyes were way above his head, his mouth right under, his eyes lashes in his eyes and his legs are where his eyes should be.

Then Jace stood up abdbslammed his hand on his desk. "YOU MURDERED SPONGE BOB!" He scream pointing at Liam. He earned some stares, laughs and a detention for after school.

When the bell rang Jace went up to and huged me. He said he needed it to go on his painful journey.

Then u walked home with Lillian. We normally walk home together since she lived right next to me. We normally walk in a peaceful silence. But it was interrupted by loud screams and crashing, coming from my house.

I walked to find my dad throwing things at my mom.

Behind all the yelling and glass breaking. I saw my brother in the corner crying. It hurt me so bad.

I walked past the hurricane I once said "I love you." to, and up to older brother.

Tears continued to pour out of his eyes and his breathing was heavy. Panic attack. He's having a panic attack and my parents don't even care.

I started to freaked out. I didn't know what to do. Normally dad would bring him his room. My legs went weak and the rest of my body followed soon after making me fall to the ground next to my brother.

Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! "SHUT UP" I scream. "SHUT UP! SHUT UP!"

The room was silent accept for my screams. I didn't look up. I continued to stay in my huddled position.

Then my dad spoke. "Sam. Get your stuff. We're leaving and never coming back."

My think my heart stopped at that moment. Last thing I hear is a small good bye, slammed door, and the sound of a opened beer.

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