Introducing The Fairies

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"So who exactly are we going to meet?"I asked sounding a bit nervous, I wanted to properly prepare myself for meeting royalty, like they said first impressions always count as that's the one people remember the most.

"Krysta you sound nervous, are you alright?"Lorna asked, Adam's head snapped in my direction with a look of worry printed on his face.

He immediately stepped around Lorna and came to my side studying me carefully.

"Are you okay?"he asked, repeating Lorna's unanswered question.

I smiled at his behaviour." I'm fine, just a little worried that they won't like me."I replied honestly.

He stopped walking and stared at me like that was the most absurd thing he had ever heard in his entire life.

"Who wouldn't like you!"Both Adam and Lorna exclaimed in disbelief, I felt like I was being ganged up on here by the expressions on their faces.

I fought the urge to chuckle at the look they were giving me.

"You both are too much!"I muttered more to myself than to them but they heard me anyway.

"That's why you love me so much."Adam teased causing me to blush, I loved this side of him,if he kept this up there wouldn't be a single day that I wouldn't have a smile spread across my face.

However Lorna didn't find it as sweet as I did.

"Will you two stop being so in love all the time!"she complained but I could hear the smile in her voice.

"Sorry, you're stuck with this your entire life."Adam smirked hugging me making her groan out loud covering her eyes.

"As much as I'm enjoying this we have guests waiting on us, so shall we?"I asked giggling at the expression on Lorna's face.

They both nodded and Adam motioned for us to continue walking.

"So Lorna , you still have a crush on that prince of yours?"Adam said in a teasing voice.Lorna's eyes widened as a blush crept unto her cheeks.

I turned around and smacked him on his shoulders.

He winced."What was that for?"he asked rubbing his hand pretending he was hurt.

"Mind your own business!"I warned trying to put on a serious face but failed miserably as even I started to laugh with him.

Lorna rolled her eyes at us and muttered something softly picking up the pace.

"Lorna wait up!"I called pulling Adam along with me.


"Here is the famous couple now."King Charm said proudly introducing us to everyone.

They all  smiled brightly at us, with an amazed expression on each of their faces.

Adam had his hands around my waist the entire time, stealing glances at me  making sure I wasn't nervous and I was glad for his thoughtfulness and support.

"Hi I'm Ella Jones and this is my husband Gabe Jones, its an honour to finally meet you ."a nice couple said smiling warmly at me.

By the way they looked at Adam, I realised that they had already known each other.

"Its a pleasure to meet you also."I replied with a bright smile of my own.

"We're glad you finally found someone who would make you happy."Ella muttered softly to Adam.

He smiled broadly at the kind lady and I could tell he was very close to this couple, I wonder what title did they carry?They were obviously royals by the way they dressed.

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