Light Blues chapter 11

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A\N April fools! But in all seriousness I was not planning on writing today but I got inspire so.  here I am.

Light blue POV

Light Blue can only sigh.

Things have not been going well since Blue disappeared. Yellow and Orange seem to fight a lot more then usual, I always have to brake it up between them. Purple keeps to him self, more so then usual as well. And Green hasn't been herself lately. Why she left us and how was all a mystery to all of us. We have been trying to escape for awhile. But this place is inescapable. Maybe that why the monsters call it the void.

Third POV Cue Gaster theme

It was at that exact moment that everything was about to change. Suddenly behind lb a Skelton man in a black cloak appeared behind her. She turn around and look at the man in shock.

"What the, who are you!? "Said light blue. The man look at the child and said something but she cannot understand what he is saying

👋💙 said the strange man. It took about a minute for light blue to figure out who she was talking to. Then she remembered a conversation that yellow and purple had. Yellow told him and everyone else not to trust four people in the entire underground. A blue hoodie Skelton, a tiny golden flower, the demon, and the man who speak in hands. Since the demon left and flowey or sans can't enter this world that leaves only one person. Gaster, the previous Royal scientist. " sorry" said light blue". I don't spake wingding." Gaster frowned. "Why are you here ask the soul". The Skelton smiles "now here's a thought". He says this as he stretch's his hand out. The soul could only gasp as what he said next. "What to know what happened to blue." He says.

A\N I was planning on during this last but since I couldn't add sans in yet I did this instead. I did pop in a sans cameo. Bet you weren't expecting that.

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