drunk words are sober thoughts

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its been a long time hasn't it? 

sorry for being a bitch ass writer, didn't have the time due to high school exams 😪 

this chapter actually took a long time to write idk why?? so sorry if it's shitty lol

in good news, my spring break j started so hopefully I'll be able to add on this story more frequently 🤗

alright thank you for patience and remember to vote and comment lots! don't be scared to text me on dms as well loves xx - v 💗💓

word count : 2.9k 

{sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes I haven't proof read!}


Yu Bin POV :

Just as the clock strikes 9, I finally arrive to Lucas' Location. I exit the cab only to surround myself with a mob of drunk people who could barely walk straight. It's going to be a long night to find him. Doubtfully, I push myself through the lanes filled of local bars with large bright neon signs, smoke and pulsating loud music consuming the area. 

Finally, my body stops in front the bar which looks similar to the one Lucas' showed me. I look down at my phone, where Lucas' location is displayed in large black letters. ' The Ozone' 

Yep, this is it. 

I sigh heavily as I open the heavy metal door and almost immediately, smoke engulfs me. The door slams behind me as I step in, causing me to sense the trouble right away. 

"Lucas?" I call out his name hoping that someone in the crowd would respond to me. 

The club is filled with people not over the age of 30 dancing  with the aroma of expensive liquor. I start looking for Lucas even with the flashing disco lights

Carefully, I enter the crowd "Lucas are you here?" I push through the swarm of sweaty bodies dancing in the dim red light, grinding to the blasting EDM music playing through the speakers. 

"Yu Bin" I hear someone call my name. Hastily, I walk towards the direction the voice, which was in a small booth in the corner of the club. The booth had red silk curtains draping over it, inside I see all my friends around the counter, filled with drinks. 

"Yu Bin!" They all cheer in unison "You finally came~" Jae An yanks my arm, forcing me to sit beside her. 

"Yeah ahaha.. I guess I did" I forcefully smile. I quickly scan around my surroundings, they all look like they are having fun. Jae-An is basically on top of Mark, Tiasha is outside dancing like there was no tomorrow, and Lucas, I gulp. It's obvious he had something to drink due to his phone call that Jjong is probably still mad over however, I can't tell if he is still under the influence. Lucas continues to eye me with an expression I am unable to make out. Mark pulls away from Jae An and passes me a glass filled with whatever he was having, I look down and hold it tightly. 

Truthfully,  they all look like they are having so much fun, and with my brain in war with itself, I too, want to have fun. I look up to Lucas and down the whole glass. My throat burns with a feeling I've never felt before. A shiver runs through my body and soon excitement rushes over me. Just in time, a young attractive man comes into the booth, to get more orders,  I smile mischievously when I hear Lucas ordering another one of his drink.

"Make it 2 more" I add on 

Everyone in room stops and look at me, especially Lucas 

"Wait, seriously?" Mark cocks his eyebrow, Jae-An, still straddling Mark smirks and looks at me 

certain curiosity | lee jinki / SHINee OnewWhere stories live. Discover now