I'm Michael

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Michael's  POV

When you look at someone who's really close to you suffer, you suffer too. It depends on who you are that determines the outcome. Maybe you run from conflict which won't help anyone in the long run.

Y/N was studying her school books, checking for something that will spark her memory. We decided to meet at a cafe, a small one that not many knew about. I felt like I was on a date, but thst couldn't be possible. I had Nicole and that's good enough. I sat down and Y/N's eyes focused on me as she shut the notebooks. It was uncomfortable to see Y/N uneasy near me.

What would I tell her? How we met? About the deal we had that never happened in the end? How we could have been a thing?

A part of me regretted volunteering to talk to her about her past. I knew Henry would take the first vote, and it was his fault we got into this mess. That's why Y/N was in the hospital for a really long time.

Y/N leaned back in her seat, still quite uneasy to be near me. She was tense, her eyes kept moving to watch to people around on. I started to talk, she asked questions but during that she would keep her eyes out. When there was no one near she found an excuse to get the attention of someone. Whether "Accidentally" dropping her spoon and asking if she could have another to complimenting the service and coffee.

This wasn't the Y/N I knew and once our conversation was over she was still weary of me. She thanked me and went on with her life. Her mom pulled in. During the time Y/N was in a coma a lot of things happened. Her mother bought a new house and a security plan. Jeremy and Rich beside still dating were deciding which College to go to even though it was a bit late for that.

Summer was on it's way, Finals were in the next week and then Summer which will launch us into Senior year.

Y/N would miss all of this though, she wouldn't be able to learn a whole school year of work in a week. I was worried.

And I thought of all of this as I drove back home. I could protect her from Henry and that was all. A part of me told me to let myself fully commit to my relationship with Nicole who'd I met while Y/N's coma.

Le Flashback

I screamed at Henry, "Guess who's fault it is? It's yours, all yours" He flinched but unresponsive. I could see the guilt in his eyes but I still kept at it. Y/N was hurt because of this bastard.

I gripped his shirt in my fist and pulled him up. I screamed and screamed until tear pour down my face and I was about to beat him senseless. That's when I felt a warm hand, it was soft and small and definitely strong. For a moment I thought it was Y/N. But my hope died when I heard her voice. It wasn't Y/N.

I froze, unable to breath anymore. Y/N could be dead. I let my grip loosen and my knees go weak. I fall, slumping into a lifeless ball. Nicole took me and cleaned me up. We talked, well she did. But that talk was one sided with my  sad story. Jeremy wasn't as comforting as Nicole. Once it all connected I could breath again. Nicole looked a bit like Y/N, reminded me if her and acted like her. According to me. I soon began to like her, with all her quirks. It started off great, Nicole and me, Jeremy and Rich.

And we were sadly getting accustomed to the fact that Y/N isn't in our lives. We would go to school and act as if it was normal not to walk in to see Y/N sitting at the lunch table eating sushi.

But then YN woke up.

End Le Flashback

"You seem to be all over her!"
Nicole yelled at me, making me pull the phone away from my hear.

"Nic, you know that I told you that you could meet her once she gets her memory back."

"But what if she never gets it back? You have to think of that, she might just live off your story about who she is, but feel a totally different way."

I took a shaky breath, not wanting to scream at Nicole. Who's she to say that someone knew Y/N better then I did? I lowered my voice, "Nic, I know way more about her then she knows about herself right now."

She sighs and I hear a rustle from the other end. "Look, Y/N needs to find herself. Everyone has secrets, and always keeps a part of themselves away from who they know. Either about their life or feelings."

I knew what she was getting at. But, I just couldn't accept it.

Oof, I really haven't been updating. Don't kill me. I will try and actually update every weekend. Or at least actually create a schedule for this. Welp, Peace out✌

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