Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

Hunter’s POV:

Ive always wondered what it would be like. What it would be like to be a YouTuber. To have fans, to have other YouTuber friends and make cool collab videos. My dream is to one day, go on tour with some of my friends. I love making people laugh, I have long brown hair, brown/grey eyes, and I love music.

I caught myself in a day dream, I sat up from my desk and focused on the board. Ive never been the best at History, its just so many dates and people, and events to remember. I find it so boring. 



I shot up from my seat, completely waking up. The fire alarm went off. “THIS IS NOT A DRILL PLEASE MAKE YOUR WAY TO THE NEAREST EXIT” I heard my principle say shakily over the loudspeaker. I grabbed my phone off of my desk and put it in my back pocket. I darted for the door and made my way out of the building.

People were pushing and shoving everywhere. Our school has had plenty of fire drills, but when it came to the real thing, we are a hot mess. As soon as I got outside I saw everyone getting in their attendance lines. As soon as everyone was out of the building and in line, the principle (Mr. Howard) and gave everyone some news, good and bad. 

The good news was that there wasn’t a real fire. But the bad news..was that someone pulled the fire alarm and Mr. Howard wants whoever did it to confess, otherwise they would get expelled and the whole school is going under lockdown until they confess.

My heart dropped. I have to stay after school just because some asshole thought it would be funny to pull the fire alarm?! I understand that its a big deal but do they really have to punish the whole school?

It was safe for everyone to go back into the school. Everyone sat in their classrooms, quiet. Not a word was spoken. It was way past 3:00 (when school gets out) and everyone just wanted to go home, including me. 

*BEEP BEEP* “Everyone please report to the upper gym, thank you” I heard Mr. Howard say over the loudspeaker 

My classroom all stood up, like we were in sync, and walked across the school to the upper gym. Once everyone got on the bleachers, Mr. Howard came out with a mic. “It seems like someone has confessed to pulling the fire alarm” Mr. Howard said as he cleared his throat. 

Everyone turned their head towards the door and there he stood. he walked up to the microphone and cleared his throat. 

“Hey” the tall male figure said as he scratched his head. 

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