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       Tale of love story 😍

I am really very very sry my dear ammugithu... Sry guyz cz i was lil bc in updating os nd ts dont wrry hereafter gonna post my regular wrks continuously ... No more bak bak lets moves to the story

               Part - 2

Recap :( ragini entering into maheshwari villa ...ap welcomed her happily... Laksh warned ragini to stay away from him... Ragini lost in her world )

Sceen begins with laksh enjoying with his friends happily in restaurant ....laksh who always pays the bill kavya just looking laksh she is having crush on him morethan his wealth ... She always needs popularity she is with laksh from his high school thatsy she is the only girl in his gang... Laksh was busy in checking his phone...suddenly his network not worked he yelled that network...rohith turn on ur Wi-Fi man...laksh said

Rohith laksh friend who is staring a girl without taking his eyes from her in this he didnt heared laksh

That girl also looking back with smile she is blushing....

Rohith laksh sounds more...he came back to reality wt laksh u spoiled everything ...

Wt i done idiot i just asked u to connect Wi-Fi ...

Laksh u r impossible wt do u need wifi na take my phone nd use it but dont disturb my romance...

Romance wt ??

Rohith signald laksh to see the girl who is looking there nd blushing...

Laksh noticed her nd banged his head with palm u r not gonna change...

Kavya starts to laugh made laksh nd rohith confused wt happend y r u laughing like a mad ?

Do u really thinking rohith that girl is smiling to u

Haan no doubt... Ok let check once...

Give hi to her.... Y not i will

Rohith waved his hand sheepishly , but no response from her side instead of glaring...

Laksh nd kavya gave hifi... Nose cut 😆😆😆

Rohith pout... Ok then y did she blushed... May she is looking that guy kavya pointed someone who is sitting beside her...laksh looked him nd smiled...

Noo u r wrong kavya... Y laksh ??

Cz she is looking me from when we entered inside i felt her gaze he said its kavya turns to smirk her....rohith said no way u r lie

Ok let me prove...rohith nd kavya looking that girl carefully laksh waved his hand ...her face turns to thousand volt bulb...she waved back...

See i said na...

Rohith she smiled casually

Ok then he signald her to come...she ran near to him made them jerk in shock...

Y did u called me handsome she asked...laksh replied sry pardon...i didnt called u

But u signald me to come here na...

Sry i just gave hi to that kid who sat behind her...she pout

Laksh rolled his eyes anything else

Can u plz give ur no ?

I am not free y dont u try this idiot he pointed rohith...he adjusted his collar nd smiled sheepishly

Not intrested by saying this she left.... They burst out into laugh rohith pout...

They abt to go back he placed  25000 thousand rs ect for tips...

Now sceen shifted to ragini she is counting the money very slowly...

She smiled happily finally i saved this much money ect...she placed that inside her bag carefully ...

She wished to visit everywhere in MM...

She moves out nd saw ap in hall...


Ragini betta come do u need anything she nods cutely...

Wt do u need dr ?

Maa if u dont mind shall i visit all rooms here i wished to see all

Ap thought dp nd laksh was not in home so there is no problm..

She called one of the servant ramu bhaii show all rooms to her before hitler reach here...

Hitler whom ? She asked to ap made her burst into laugh no one dr we used to call like that for spl person

Oh ok ok she nod ... Thats so nice...

Ramu kakka quick...

He tooks ragini with him nd showed one by one raginii looking all while open her mouth...its like an palace i used to saw this types of house in my friend tv...

Wt friend tv betta ?

Wo kakka in my house i dont have tv i used to watch serials nd movie in her house...

Oh ok ok... Ragini abt to enter inside laksh room ramu stopped her betta dont go inside its laksh betta room he dont like others entering in his room without his permission...

But kakka i wanna see plz... She showed her puppy face...beta i was scared if he comes to know he will send me out of this house

Ragini felt sad...sry kakka i wont see that room i am not forcing u sry for disturbing u she held her ears

Its ok betta no need to say sry u r also like my child ragini eyes turns to teary after hear that

Tq u so much kakka for mentioning me as ur child.... He caressed her head ... Live long happily...

Ramu ap called him betta i am leaving he went... Ragini looked laksh room with cute pout what was he having inside y did he not allowing anyone... She thought....

Then her gaze fell on balcony she rushed to there ...its an beautifull view from balcony just attached near laksh room...

Awwo.... Its soo pretty watching all from here ...god all r looking very short from this site...its an palace...

Wow 😍😍😍...

Gentle breeze touched her she welcomed that by leaving her arms in air then starts to sing in her melodious voice...

She inhaled a fresh air from there...she abt to turn she bumped into someone...

Both their heads collied each other she abt to loss her balance that person encircled his hands around her waist...his face revealed to be laksh...

Ragini closed her face in fear... Laksh looking her ...

Screen freezed ...

Guyz leave ur cmnts....

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