The Murdered Sisters

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Ashley, Shay, Victoria, Hailey, and Kathryn were sisters. They lived in a cabin by the woods. One day, the girls discovered something they never knew, and it was totally unexpected.

It was a cold, stormy night. Thick, foggy, clouds hung in the sky, and the rain poured down heavily. Ashley got off Aqua, her brown Pinto horse, and went inside. The door creaked with a loud groan. It was eerily quiet. There was no hustle in the kitchen to make dinner. Everything was dark and still.

"Hello?" Ashley called into the dark. "Hello?!"

Nothing. No answer.

She reached on the table for an oil lamp. She lit it, and looked around the cabin. There was no one there. But... Victoria and Kathryn should have been home hours ago! And they wouldn't go out in the storm! What was going on?

Ashley waited in the dark. An hour later, Shay walked in. She turned to Ashley. "What's going on? Where is everybody?"

"I-I don't know," Ashley cried. "I'm so glad you're here. I just have a really bad feeling."

"Well, Hailey should be home in a few minutes," Shay told her. "I'll start dinner."

While Shay cooked, Ashley tried to soothe her adrenaline filled nerves, and racing heart. Hailey and the others will come home soon, she told herself, taking yoga fire breaths. Everything will be alright.

But after Shay finished cooking, no one had showed up.

"Here." Shay pushed a plate of corn mush, green beans, and mashed potatoes toward Ashley. "Eat."

Ashley pushed her plate away. She was too nervous to even think about eating.

Thunder rumbled. The rain poured. It started getting a little lighter. Shay heard clomping and whinnying. Was that... a horse?

"I think I hear a horse outside," Shay said, standing up. "I'm going to go check it out."

Ashley nodded weakly, and Shay went out through the front door. She saw a familiar white and black-spotted horse. "Gilbert?" she asked, walking closer.

Lightning cracked, and Gilbert stood only on his hind legs.

"Easy boy, easy boy," Shay whispered. "Ashley!" she called out. "I found Hailey's horse! Come on out!"

"What?" Ashley asked, running out. And sure enough, it was. "Hold on," Ashley said. "Where's Hailey?"

"I don't know," Shay said.

The two girls wrapped Gilbert up in blankets, and placed him into the stable. Then, they went back into the house.

Shay finished eating, and then started to wash the dishes. She was on her third, when Ashley called out "Shay! Over here!"

"What?" Shay asked, rinsing off her soapy hands.

Ashley held a note in her left hand. "I found this near the crack of under the side door."

Shay shivered. The side door was completely hidden from the front. Ashley unfolded the note. She read it, and gasped. The note read; I'm going to kill you.

Shay gasped. "Oh my gosh! Ashley, what is this?"

"I don't know," Ashley sobbed.

Tears ran down Shay's cheeks. She grabbed the note from Ashley, crumbled it up into a ball, and threw it into a corner.

Ashley sat at the table, sobbing her heart out.

They really are dead, Shay thought. And their coming to get us.

There was a knock on the door. Ashley immediately stopped crying. Shay froze, paralyzed with fear. The door started to open.

"Hello? Guys?"

Ashley recognized that voice. A girl stepped toward them, carrying a gas lamp. It was Victoria.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so glad you guys are okay!" Victoria practically screamed.

"W-what happened?" Shay asked, in a shaky voice.

"Me, Hailey, and Kathryn were all coming home," Victoria started. "Then someone killed them. I ran away."

Ashley gasped. "Did you see who it was?"

Victoria shook her head. "No. I was too scared."

The girls sat there, silently. Eventually they went to bed, all sleeping in the living room so they could be together.

Ashley couldn't sleep. Just thinking about Hailey and Kathryn made her break down in tears. Finally, after a long day, she fell asleep.

Thud! Ashley woke up to a loud sound. She looked around. Victoria stood above her, holding a knife just mere inches from her throat.

"I'm going to kill you just like I did to the others," she said in an eerie voice.

Ashley saw Shay's dead body. She screamed, and then everything went black.


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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2015 ⏰

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