How he found her ~?

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It was rapidly becoming dark as the joyful boy skipped through the town centre. Juuzou had decided that now was the perfect time to go out and buy sweets with the stolen money he'd collected through out the day. He grinned as another doughnut was shoved into his mouth,

"mm...i seem to be lost again" He sighed, squatting on a bench "Welp, i guess its time for another adventure!"

A while had passed before he eventually started to recognise his surroundings, that was when an interesting sight caught his attention. A young girl with (H/C) hair was running apparently from something, judging by how she kept looking behind her every couple of seconds and the fearful expression plastered on her youthful face. He grinned to himself as a single thought passed through his mind;


In 10 seconds flat, his quinque has been released and shining intimidatingly as he quietly stalked after the 6 idiotic ghouls that blindly gave chase to their prey

"this'll be fun~"

-Short time skip-

The mangled corpse of a ghoul lay beneath him, his eyes almost non-existent as the thick red liquid dribbled out of them, Juuzou briefly glanced up to double check that the rest of his "play-mates" were lifeless and that was when he spotted the girl, staring sadly at the concrete. Juuzou removed himself from the body and curiously looked her up and down. She blinked twice before a confused expression made its way to her delicate features and her head moved to stare back at him, only for a split second because within the span of a minute she had hit the floor with a 'thud'.

"hm, i doubt shes a ghoul as well seeing as she was running away from these creepos" Juuzou mumbled to himself, slowly sauntering over to her unconscious form. He poked her cheek with little to no care only to receive no response, which made him determine she was actually out cold. Shrugging to himself, he stood up and turned his back on her to carry on his way. 

He got about half way across the port before a very familiar voice called out to him. 

"Juuzou! Where have you been? we were suppose to meet at the investigation scene an hour ago" Shinohara sighed, irritated at the small investigator in front of him.

"Hehe, well you see Shinohara-san, i got lost and found a couple ghouls who needed to be played with" he grinned, pointing to the furthest end of the docks "Oh and there's a girl over there who passed out but, i couldn't be bothered to move her."

Shinohara momentarily stared off into the place Juuzou had gestured at before letting out a bigger sigh and briskly walking to the spot where the girl laid. "You need to make sure citizens involved are safe in the incident of a ghoul attack" 

Juuzou rolled his eyes and gave a sarcastic remark as Shinohara hoisted the 7 year old onto his back. "What was a girl as young as this doing out here anyway? well never mind we need to get her to the infirmary at HQ and inform her parents as soon as possible" 

The two investigators left the bloodied scene, not noticing the shadowed figure on the opposite side of the docks, disappearing into the buildings behind.


My god its been months since i updated this, I had started righting the chapter a while ago but just couldn't be asked to finish it for a while ^^; Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I will start working on the next asap ^^


Re-write Suzuya Juuzou xChild!Reader ~Big brother~Where stories live. Discover now