His name~🖤

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Note: I don't know if i explained this before but all art used in this book doesn't belong to me and credit goes to the artists unless i've said otherwise ^^

heres a song you can listen to to set the scene if you wish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U88V95vclU

Your POV:

"Ow" i grumbled, sitting up in the white bed that i was originally lying on. My head pounded relentlessly, my thoughts becoming jumbled as my hand landed upon a soft cotton fabric around my head 

"a bandage?" A tear fell down my cheek as the pain worsened, the most suitable decision that i could make at the moment in time was to lay back down and try to remember the events that led up to me being in hospital. My eyes glazed over as i concentrated on the pristine white wall the most i could remember was being chased by a number of ghouls after they attacked my orphanage and then...

"Ugh, there's no point...mummy, why did you have to die?" This time i couldn't stop the tears that dripped down my face "Everything's become so much harder...i cant deal with all this on my own" Pulling the covers up to my face, i snuggled into my only comfort and with much difficulty fell asleep, hoping to dream of a world where i was in a family that loved me. 

-Time skip-

"heeey~ wake up sleepy head"

"Juuzou! Leave her alone! We're not even supposed to be in here!" 

"shut uppp, it's fineee i was the one who found her anyways so~" 

The loud voices kept arguing, interrupting the pleasant dream you were currently having. Your eyes hesitantly flickered open, being momentarily blinded by sunlight until a face pushed itself into your line of view, grinning down at you. 

"Ah you finally woke up!"

Yawning tiredly, you sat up and rubbed your eyes, clearing away any remaining sleepy-ness. At the end of the bed stood a very awkward looking man. His hair was a dark brown colour and parted strangely in the middle, you tilted your head at him before you were once again poked by the stranger leaning over the bed which made your attention snap to the attacker.

"Juuzou! stop poking her, she's probably scared or something" the man growled angrily at the so called 'Juuzou'

"Juuzou?" You asked quietly, with a cracked voice. 

"Ya, thats me! And that hard-ass over there is Seidou" Juuzou smirked, watching Seidou's anger grow

"You don't have permission to call me that, Its Takizawa!" Takizawa yelled at Juuzou, looking ready to chuck the nearest item at him, until the door opened, interrupting their small scrap. 

A largely built man entered the room, smiling kindly at myself. "Ah, your awake. im glad to see your improving Miss ...?" 

"(Y/n) ... (Y/n) (L/n)"

He nodded in acknowledgement and smiled once again "Well (Y/n) the doctor says you're going to be just fine, you only have a small concussion and a slight bruise, and if i may ask, Do you know your parents phone numbers?"

"no...my orphanage was attacked by ghouls and...i think i'm the only one alive." 

The three males stared at you, Takizawa and the unknown man had disbelief written all over their face.

Juuzou...was just still smiling

"Cool!" He chirped before a book came hurtling towards the back of his head, he only just skimmed the impact as it smacked into the wall, an enraged Takizawa was currently being held back by the taller male as he excused the two of them and left, leaving you and Juuzou in silence.


My god i got two chapters done in a day :D This could be a personal accomplishment for myself xD


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