V. The Madness of Mr Trewin

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Orem was lost.
He wandered through the corridors, slightly dazed and waiting for the experience to sink in. There was a fish-creature hidden in a cave underneath a skyscraper. There was a fish-creature hidden in a cave. There was a fish-creature.
He was snapped out of his daze however, when two men in white coats ran past, towards the stairs. They didn't pay the slightest attention to him.
Orem carried on walking and, just when he was sure he was lost, he turned a corner and saw the tour group standing in the corridor, looking very harassed. Goodall especially.
"Where the hell have you been?" she yelled when she caught sight of him.
"I... the toilet," Orem mumbled, but it was clear he wasn't going to be let off the hook.
"As a guest of this facility, you cannot just scamper off whenever it takes your fancy! And especially when there's alarms going off everywhere!"
"Alarms? There aren't any..."
Then Orem heard it; the shrieking of the creature, still heard through the vents. It could easily be mistaken for a high pitched alarm.
"Oh, yeah, well, that's why I came back. Jumped off the toilet seat so fast I made the lady next to me scream. Then I realised I wasn't in the men's, which made me scream. The I hoiked up my trousers and got out of there and, well, here we are."
Goodall didn't seem convinced. She narrowed her eyes for a moment, but then turned away, and went off to reassure one of the group members that this wasn't the Luftwaffe "coming back for round two".
Suddenly Trewin ran past, flanked by the two men Orem had seen earlier and hands in the air to avoid touching anyone's skin.
"Mr Trewin, what am I-" Goodall began, but was cut off.
"Just carry on as planned!" Trewin barked and ran off down the corridor.
"Right, ok. Now that everyone is here," Goodall cast withering look towards Orem, "We can carry on the tour. Don't worry, the alarm is nothing to be... alarmed about. Follow me."
She took them down the corridor and around the corner, to a short section of passage that was peppered with small hexagonal holes, along the floor, walls and ceiling. Orem trailed along at the back, and stopped just short of the hole covered section.
"Everyone stand completely still, please," said Goodall. Orem and the rest of the group froze obediently. Curious glances were thrown around, but no one was cautious.
The distant shrieking stopped suddenly.
Then Goodall stepped back, away from the section, and slammed her palm on a small fire alarm on the wall. Two thick doors with a hexagonal window slammed down from above, sealing everyone within the hole- peppered section. Orem stepped back, surprised: he was on the outside of the now cut off area. The four inside started panicking, banging on the doors and windows. Orem looked but there was no way to open the doors except perhaps the fire alarm-looking thing that Goodall had pressed. But that was on Goodall's side of the corridor, two doors and four screaming people away from Orem.
Then steam began rising from the floor. No, not steam- some other sort of gas, and not just from the floor. It billowed out of the hexagonal holes on the walls and ceiling as well, making the group inside cough and panic even more. They dropped one by one; the man with a surfer's vest on, the redhead woman, Sparrow, and finally Oliver Cummings. He stared through the window desperately, and Orem stared helplessly back, until Oliver's eyes rolled to the back of his head and he dropped to the ground.
Through the fog-like gas, Orem saw Goodall standing steely-faced on the other side of the section, and looked up to see Orem staring through the other window. Her eyes widened and she turned away, but a tall shape appeared next to her. Through the gas Orem could make out the wicked grin of Mr Trewin.
Orem stumbled back, regained his balance, turned and bolted.
He scrambled round the corner and down the corridor, panic gripping his mind. He knew there was something wrong with all this. He knew.
Two men appeared in the corridor in front of him, dressed in long white coats and holding a foot or so long steel rod with electricity crackling down a wire on the side.. Somewhere in his foggy, fear soaked mind a random name sprung up and sparked into his thoughts.
Orem ducked as the first man swung his taserstick down, missing him by an inch.
The second man swung the rod towards Orem's ribs, but by some miracle he dodged the attack, grabbed the man's wrist and forced him to swing the taserstick down on his own forearm. The man hissed and jerked and fell onto all fours.
Orem ran on, the first man right behind him.
Orem was faster than the man and broke away from him, skidding randomly around corners until he was almost out of sight. Then he turned a corner and something stingy smashed into his forehead. He went down, smacking his head on the hard floor. His vision blurred and his head ached like hell. He could just make out a woman, dressed in white and holing a taserstick standing over him, and the first man burst into view. They exchanged a few dull, incomprehensible words, then the woman crouched down and slammed the taserstick towards his face, the sharp stinging jumping across his nose and then-

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