«22» best friends

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Angel (not edited)


"Oh my gosh! I miss you! I haven't seen you in like forever. The last time I was in town you were on vacation." I say as I hug my childhood bestfriend. "When did you even fly in?" I immediately start bombarding her with questions while Aurora chuckles.

"I flew in yesterday but I was hella jet-lagged. But anyway, Do you still remember our handshake?" Aurora grins brightly as I invite her into my apartment.

"Surprisingly, Yes." I say as I bring my hand up to meet hers. We used to think we were the shit in middle school with this. We both laugh before we take a seat just to catch up.

"How's Maine been since I've been gone?" I ask to catch up with her.

"Good, but boring I guess." She shrugs. "But I finally got a job and that cash flows had been rollin' in." She continues, pretending like she's throwing money. It was fun to be handing out with my bestfriend again since I haven't seen her since last year—which was only a few months ago but whatever.

"So what is there to do here, I mean you have been here since August. Ooh what about that guy that you were talking about when we were on the phone a few months back?"

"Oh him? I'm surprised you remembered, but we're still cool or whatever. And I haven't really done anything to be honest, just school."

"Girl, what type of detail is that? I need more!"

"We kissed, but haven't done more than that, I don't know what you want me to tell you." I laugh. She gives me a questioning look but continues on anyway.

"Well since you haven't done anything even remotely fun, you better be glad I found something to do." She pulls me up from the couch.

"Wait. How'd you find my apartment? I just moved in." I question folding my arms. I haven't thought about that and she just found my apartment not even a day after I looked at it.

"Oh, I called your mom." She says picking at her nails.

"I didn't call my mother and tell her which apartment I picked." I trail off narrowing my eyes slightly.

"Oh wow. Would you just look at Miss Angel, figuring everything out." Her light playful and joking voice turns into mocking and menacing one. She laughs clapping her hands together.

"But have you figured out that the note under your door was a gang trying to get you and it's all because of your dad. Did you figure that out Angel." She mocks, walking back in forth in my new living room.

It all made sense now as a take in a deep breath of realization. The notes, my dad, and even Aaron when he came to look for me at Dakota's place. I don't know what I would have to do with my father's gang when I haven't been around him for my whole life.

If she tried to attack me, it'd be a fair fight honestly. She's tall and frail but skinnier than I am. She only has a height advantage.

But that gets me thinking. When Zion and I were first checking out the apartment, the lady said that you could only get in if you lived here. How the fuck did Aurora get in then? That's something to worry about later. Now I have to worry about getting this crazy ass bitch out my apartment. She's acting like she's on drugs. I don't exactly know her motive, but I have a pretty good idea of it.

Angel >Zion Kuwonu (ON HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now