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Hey Guys! So Im Going To This Music Festival Inna Bout A Week And Im Gunna Be There For A Week, So I Will Sadly Not Be Uploading The Next Chapter Until I Get Back D: Im Gunna Start Writing The 4th Chapter Right Meow Though, So WHO KNOWS! I Might JUUUSSST Might Get It Done Before I Leave!  Either Way The Wait Will Be Worth It, Ohh It Dern Sure Will c; To Give You Guys A Hint, I Think The Next Chapter With Be Called The Kiss Of Death, AND THATS ALLS IM SAYIN K, So Yeah Thanks For Stickin Around c: && I Promise I Will NEVER EVER Give Up On Any Fanfics I Write, Like Real Talk Cause I HATE When People Do That, If I Know Im Not Gunna Be Able To Upload Chatpers For An Unusual Amount Of Time I Will Always Let You Guys Know!<3

..Btw The Video Is Just A Random One Of Me And My Friend And The Song In It Is What Im Listening To Right Meow So I Figured Why Not Lel c: 

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