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SO, This Update Isnt Nessicarily About This Fanfic, Everything Is Going Fine With This, No Changes That Need To Be Announced, BUT, And Im Not Sure If I Mentioned This Before, BUTTT, THERE WILL BE A PREQUAL TO THIS FANFIC!! WOOOOO GHFDGFCGBHJGG Yes, It Will Be Called "The 7 Sins Of Seamus", Title Miiiight Change, But I Kinda Like It Lel BUT, It Wont Technically Be A Creature Fanfiction Because The Only Creature In It Will Be Seamus Because It Will Focous On How The Whole "He Is Sloth" Thing Came To Be, But There Will Be Other Original Characters Such As The Other 6 Sins, To Give You Guys A Little Sneek Peek Here's Some Info On Them:

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Lust - Lillith

Gluttony - Gilly

Greed - Gaenor

Sloth - Seamus

Wrath - Wolfgang

Envy - Etta

Pride - Preston

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Chosen Powers:

Lillith - Shapeshifting

Gilly - Mind Control

Gaenor - Divination

Seamus - xxxxxx

Wolfgang - Telekinesis

Etta - Transmutaion

Preston - Immortallity

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Lillith & Etta - Friends


Gilly & Gaenor - Twins

 Wolfgang & Preston - Friends

Etta & Preston - Partners

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Incase You Were Wondering, I Left Out All Of Seamus' Info CAUSE IT WOULD SPOIL THIS FANFIC So Yeah c; But Yeah Thats A Little Bit About All The Other Sins, And Yes You Will Be Seeing Little Bits Of Them In This Fanfic But Not A Whole Lot. Also, Im Thinking This Fanfic Will Be Shorter Then EABAYH, Noooot Sure Yet Though. OH And I Was Gunna Ask, Are Any Of You Guys Confused On Anything Thats Going On In EABAYH? If So Comment On This Or Any Chapter That Your Confused About And I Will Do My Best To Explain! Lol

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Sooooo.. Lol About Move Along, I Planned On Starting To Write That Awhile Ago But Have Been To Focused On EABAYH, I Already Have Most Of It Planned Out And It Shouldnt Be Hard To Write But Idk I Just Havent Gotten Around To It Lol And Idk If Iv Said This But It Will Be Kinda Short, Im Kinda Thinking No More Then Like 10+ Chapters, But Idk Cause I Thought EABAYH Was Gunna Be 20+ But Were Kind Of In The Middle Of The Story Right Noowww.. So Idk, Just Know That Move Along WILL Be Shorter Then EABAYH Lol

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Welllll, Im Working At The Michigan Renaissance Festival This Year! Yeaah Lol My Parents And I Have Been Traveling With Them Nearly My Whole Life But This Is My First Year Actually Working There, And Im Honestly Hella Scared Because Of My Anxiety And Shhhiitt, But Hopefully It Works Out Well! Im Working With My Friend Caitie So It Shouldnt Be TOO Bad, But Anyways, To The Point, I Will Not Be Able To Write ANYTHING On The Weekends For Like Almost Two Months Or Some Shit, Will This Effect My Timing On Putting Chapters Up? Im Not Sure, Because Since I Have To Get Up Hella Early For Work My Sleep Schedule Will Change DRASTICALLY, And I Tend To Write The Most, Fluently? At Night Sooooo Yeah Idk! We'll See Lol So I Guess What Im Saying Is Expect To Be Waiting A Little Longer Then Usual On Chapters. SO In Total I Hope You Guys Are Still Diggin This And Are Excited For "Move Along" And "The 7 Sins Of Seamus"!!! ALSO!! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR OVER 600 READS LIKE HOLY SHIT<33

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