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Namjoon's Pov

"Shit," I say as the plate from my hand slips and falls into the floor, breaking into many pieces. "Here's another thing I have to explain to Manager Jin," I sigh.

My name is Kim Namjoon and I work at a restaurant called "Ossu Seiromushi." It is owned by a drop-dead gorgeous man called Kim Seokjin (but prefers to go by Jin), who is extremely nice as he hasn't fired me yet for all the chaos that I caused and will cause. I don't know why he hasn't, but I'm thankful otherwise I would be out of a job. Also, I may have a little, slight, teeny weeny crush on the guy. I can't help it, he's so perfect.

"Again, Joonie?" Manager Jin says, amusement evident in his voice.

"I'm sorry, sir. I'd say it won't happen again but I really can't promise that," I say sheepishly, rubbing my neck while looking at the ground to avoid eye contact.

I hear his chair being scraped back and him standing up. I heard the footsteps he took before he stood in front of me, I staring at his feet. I looked up slowly to see him with a smile on his face. He grinned at me before rubbing my head. "You're lucky I like you, Joonie," he said, grinning while rubbing my head.

"I really am, sir. Thank you," I tell him, a slight blush creeping up my neck from his niceness towards me.

He chuckled slightly, a sound that was music to my ears before telling me, "You need to go clean up the mess, now! Hurry."

He shooed me out of his room. I walked to the cleaning cupboard with a smile on my face. Humming, I took out the dust pan and brush and walked over to where I had made the mess. I cleaned the mess up, trying not to hurt myself with the sharp pieces of the plate.

"He let you off, again!" One of my co-workers exclaimed. His name was Kim Taehyung and worked alongside me as a waiter, as he couldn't cook for shit.

"Yup, he's so nice," I tell him, happily continuing to clean up.

"He loves you too much, honestly. He's so whipped," Tae says. I hum in agreement before realising what he said.

"He doesn't love me, Tae! He just, I don't know, is way too kind and considerate towards me. I guess he takes a little liking towards me but nothing like love!!" I exclaim, desperately trying to explain the situation.

"Sure," he says, rolling his eyes at me.

"Plus, you can't give me love advice when you still can't man-up enough to ask that customer you're always looking at! He's Manager Jin's friend right? His name is Jungkook or something, right?" I look up at Tae to see he was blushing and was red like a strawberry.

"Aww, is little Tae blushing," I cooed.

"Shuddup," he mumbles before angrily walking off to serve someone, and that someone just happened to be little Kookie. I lightly laugh at his response.

"Your dimples are cute," I hear a voice say behind me. I almost jump at the sudden noise.

I turn around to see Manager Jin with a cute smirk on his face, looking at me. I automatically began to turn a little red, like Tae only moments ago.

"Can I ask what got Joonie all smiley," Manager Jin asks as he steps forward to poke one of my dimples. His fingers were so soft.

"Umm, I was talking to Tae and kinda bought up his crush," I mumble a little, still a little embarrassed about his previous action.

"Ooh, Taetae has a crush! Can I ask who?" He asks excitedly.

"I'm not supposed to say..." I trail off.

"Pwease," Manager Jin pouts at me. I couldn't help but give in.

I leaned in and whispered in his ear, "You didn't hear this from me but he likes Jungkook."

I heard him gasp before squealing. "Oh my pink pandas, they would be adorable. Tae would be perfect for my son."

I nodded in agreement as we both stared at at the two. Jungkook was now blushing while Taehyung was telling him something. God, that guy was bipolar, or just in love I guess.

Manager Jin mumbled something under his breath so I turn to look at him.

"Did you say something?" I ask politely, a little quietly.

"No, it's fine," he replies. "Well, we better get off back to work. I need to be in the kitchen. I expect you to put that broken plate in the bin and back to serving in 5, okay?"

"Yes, sir," I say before hurrying off.

Manager Jin continued to stare at me so I gave him a questioning look but he just gave me a slight shake off the head before entering into the kitchen. That was weird.

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