Chapter 1: New Kid

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Erif's POV

"Okay all set, We'll have one of our service kids take him to his first class" says one of the office ladies stapling some papers and handing them to my mother. She hands me my school schedule which i dont bother to look at. "Call me after school so i can pick you up" says my mom then makes her way to the office doors. "Thank you" says my mom to the office lady walking out the office doors and out the school.

I wait in patience for one of her "service kids" to escort me to class. The office lady shouts one word "service" not so loud but loud enough for the neighboring room to hear. A short girl with her black hair done in a double braid reaching a little more than her shoulder walks out of the neighboring room. The office lady proceeds to tell the service kid (named Heidi) to take me to room A25 for my second period class. She responds with a simple but assuring "okay". We walk out of the office and into the school halls

"Just follow me" Heidi says. I dont reply but i follow her all the way to the door marked 'A25'.
"His name is Mr. Devins, he's really nice dont worry"
"Thank you"
"No problem" and she makes her way to the main office.

I knock on the door and I wait for the teacher to open it. The door opens. A man which i suppose to be Mr. Devins waits at the door for me to say something. "Uhm, new student, this is Mr. Devins' classroom right?" "Yeah thats me, come in" he gestures me to walk into the classroom. Immediately anxiety hits me like a bullet. Theres about 40 students and all eyes on me. "Jazzi, raise your hand please"
Mr. Devins says. A girl with dark brown hair raises her hand. "You can go ahead and take a seat next to her" Mr. Devins says looking at me. I walk to the girl and sit in the empty seat next to her. "Let me check the roster, Erif Greenwood right?" he looks over at me for confirmation "yeah thats me"

••• Two periods later •••< time skip

The bell rings for lunch

I walk out of my boring ass math class and make my way out the doors. I pause to look for an empty bench. Then someone taps my shoulder. I turn around to see Heidi. "Jeez you scared me" i say. "Sorry, but I was wondering if you wanted me to show you around the school. I know how it feels to be the new kid, i came towards the end of the first semester" "uhm sure" i reply

She looks around as if seeing where we should go first. I follow her around and let her explain everything she knows about the school.

"Okay so the popular kids hang out over there towards the outside stage. My friend Maddox over there, the tall one, hes the popular boy. Hes with his girlfriend right now so ill introduce you to him another time"

Maddox is cute, like really cute his dark brown hair in a quiff with his white t-shirt and burgundy jacket with black ripped jeans. Yes, Im gay not a big deal. but i don't bother with straight boy's. They'll never understand that gay is normal and not just a joke or insult. Straight boys for me are more like eye candy. I love admiring their looks. "Erif?!" "Sorry i was thinking, go on" "as i was saying, The main office is over there if you ever need anything."

The bell rings lunch is over

"well i have to go, who do you have right now?" Heidi asks

"Uhm let me check"
I pull my schedule out of my pocket
"Looks like physical ed" i murmur
"Just over there" she points to the gray gates. Where a crowd of kids surround them.
"Ill see ya later" she says and walks into the main building.

I look back to get one last glimpse of Maddox before i get to the p.e. field.
I then spot him and he appears to laugh at something one of his friends says and then he looks my way. Oh my god I'm thinking. He saw me staring at him. I speed walk to the p.e. gates.
I sat down on the pavement and waited for rollcall. I look at the class to see whos in it. I see Maddox hes at the back of the class hugging his girlfriend Sitting down in front of him. I cant believe hes in my fourth period class.

"No he's not" a boy about three squares away from me says in a girly tone. But i catch a feeling hes talking about me since his friends which are girls are looking at me. Then one of them says "He is ugly" while still focusing her eyes on me. I roll my eyes and she sees but gives no response. Then it hits me, that boy that said "no he's not" he was talking about me as in he thinks im not ugly.
What if he likes me. But hes not really my type, he has too much of a not so attractive appearance in my eyes, plus he doesn't dress well.

I turn to find Maddox, and hes staring boltright at me. he quickly turns away when he realizes I'm looking at him and hugs his girlfriend then gives her a kiss on the cheek as if trying to hide the fact that he was looking at me.

I get a bit jealous but hes just a dumb straight boy. like i said 'I don't bother with straight boys'. I should find a guy thats first of all gay or bisexual, near my age (16) which is sophmore year in highschool (tenth grade), one i find attractive and finds me the same, and lastly he has to be kind, mindful and have a good attitude.

"Erif?, Erif Greenwood" the physical ed teacher says. "Here" i say. She puts something down on her roster and proceeds with the rest of the class. After roll call she lets us do whatever we please. I go sit down on a bench since i dont know anyone in this period and i use my phone.

After about 2 minutes i hear a voice not so deep but sort of like sleepy it sounded sexy. I look up to see *I Kid You Not* Maddox (Mr. Popular) and to add on sexy eyecandy. He says "You're new here right?" "Yeah i just moved here from New Mexico" i reply hesitantly. Now that he's close up i can see hes tall, just a bit taller than me. "Okay, Uhm, cool name, does it mean anything?" "Yeah actually, Its 'Fire' spelt backwards"
he raises his eyebrows and then follows the action with a "ohhh, that's nice" "uhm, thanks" i say.
"Your Welcome, well i have to go, My girlfriend's waiting for me" "go ahead" i reply. Then he walks off.

The rest of the day went pretty smooth. Maddox is in my sixth period class and sits in the perfect view for my eyes to see him, just to admire his looks not actually flirt or anything though.

I call my mom to pick me up and take me home. she picks me up within 15 minutes and i get in the car.

I hope you enjoyed this first chapter.

Next chapter will come out soon.

Keep in mind that not all chapters will be this long some will be really short, others probably longer than this one.

Sorry for the Mistakes.

Thanks for reading.

Originally published 4 - 2 - 2018

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