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My red wristwatch read two minutes until three thirty. Students had gathered around the parking lot, their phones in their hands, cameras at the ready, as they waited anxiously for me to arrive. Priscilla stood by her friend Lily Rose (someone's mom was obsessed with flowers). Lily Rose no doubt bumping up her friends self esteem. I scoffed.

Later that day, Priscilla Yvette had challenged me to a fight. Apparently I had gotten on her "last nerve." It could've been my sarcastic comments. My lack of respect for her title – girlfriend to the to-be-Alpha – as she puts it. Pft, big deal. Orrrr it could have been the fact that I had humiliated her during first period by speaking my mind.

"You're an attention seeking whore which is the only reason you're on Jacob Cliff's arm," I so politely put it. Priscilla had NOT liked that. I smiled to myself as I saw her tan, angular face burn red like a tomato and her eyes glow golden.

"Ready to kick some ass?" Christian bellowed, his hand cupping my right shoulder. His dark blue dyed hair matched his ocean eyes, something I'd always liked about him, as he grinned down at me.

"Nervous, Kerr?"

I shrugged off his hand. "Never, Vaughan." I replied, grinning proudly.

"That's my girl." Christian said, kissing my lips before we exited the building.

"Thought you weren't going to show your ugly face." Priscilla lamely taunted, crossing her arms as she took a step away from an angry Lily Rose to face me. I stopped inside the circle, a couple feet away from her, Christian smirking behind me.

"You wish, princess." I scoffed. "Now let's get this over with. I have much more important things to do." I added tiresomely.

"Like what? Your boyfriend?" she snapped immaturely. God, are we in middle school again? I rolled my eyes at her comment.

"Actually, yes." I honestly responded, turning to wink at Christian. He smirked. Turning back, I looked to see Priscilla diving at me, her claws extended. Obviously she thought she'd get the jump on me.

I moved to the left, completely avoiding her attack. She landed on her hands before quickly turning to face me again, her eyes already glowing.

"Did you break a nail?" I asked with fake concern. Priscilla growled at me and flung herself forward again, completely shifting as her long teeth aimed for my throat. Again, I side stepped her. She attacked again. Another side step. Yawning, I stretched out my arms and waited for her to strike once more. She was showing visible exhaustion.

I blew a kiss to Christian in the meantime, making him chuckle. Once again Priscilla jumped, claws extended and jaw wide. Bored with side stepping her, I decided to fight back.

I grabbed her furry throat midair and slammed her into the roughly paved gravel. She let out a small yelp and struggled in my grasp. I let go purposely. Immediately, she went for my legs. She didn't get very far as my right leg swung forward and collided with her face. A very audible crack came from her nose and she howled.

"Wow. You really suck at this, Priscilla. And to think you're the alpha's girlfriend?" I shook my head with disappointment. Priscilla snarled at the insult and went for my face again, but instead, I knelt down. She soared over my body as if in slow motion, her eyes full of rage. Slowly, they widened with fear as my claws extended and my hand flew up, cutting deeply into her chest to her stomach. She landed with a thud on the ground, blood quickly pooling around her.

"Priscilla!" Lily Rose squealed, running to her injured friend. Priscilla let her body change back and I tried not to show my surprised at the severity of her wound. I had made at least an inch and a half deep cut from her collar bone to just above her belly button.

Quickly Christian came to stand beside me, his hand gripping my forearm tightly. His face was masked with worry. "Jeez, Maddie, taking it a little far don't you think?"

Eyes glued to Priscilla as pack members gathered around her, one offering a jacket to cover her naked body, another saying the Alpha was on his way. I felt my stomach hit the ground.

"I didn't mean to injure her that bad." I whispered to my boyfriend, looking up at Christian. His blue eyes were watching the scene in front of us, his hand no longer on my arm, making me all the more nervous. Before I could say anything more, I felt a familiar strong presence.

The Alpha had arrived.

"What is going on here?" Alpha Maddox demanded, his voice thunderous. "Who is responsible for this?"

My thoughts were like a tornado in my head, my heart beating so erratically I could feel it in my finger tips. Knowing there was no hiding or denying it, for Heaven's sake half the pack got it on video, I stepped forward to admit my fault. But before I could say anything, Lily Rose rose to her feet and pointed a bloody finger at me.

"She did it!" Lily Rose screamed, her voice full of hatred. "She attacked Priscilla! If you don't believe me, we have it on video. Madeline Kerr is a cold blooded attempted murderer! She's jealous of Priscilla because she's secretly in love with Jacob!"

My heart stopped, Christian stiffening beside me. "You lying, shit!" I snapped back, my wolf growling at the false accusation. "I am not in love with Jacob! And I did not intentionally hurt Priscilla," I paused. "Well, not exactly. She challenge–"

"Enough!" Alpha Maddox shouted, his voice silencing the pack. We waited as he scanned the crowd, eyes pausing on me for a few seconds. I bowed my head in respect, my hands in tight fists. My wolf wanted to go tear Lily Rose a new one.

"Preston," The Alpha said to his third in command. "Help Lily Rose take Priscilla to the pack doctor, then inform Jacob of her injuries. Devon," He turned to the Beta, his second in command. "Please escort Miss Madeline Kerr to the cells. She will be held there until this matter has been discussed and concluded."

My head snapped up at the announcement of my punishment. What? The cells? They were putting me in jail?

"You can't do that!" Christian said, outraged. "This is as much Priscilla's fault as Maddie's! Priscilla–" My boyfriend was cut short as the Alpha's hand collided with his face. I flinched and held back a cry as Christian flew down.

"I will not be argued with!" Alpha Maddox growled, glaring down at a bleeding Christian. "My decision is final."

And that was that.

For three nights, I slept on a springy cot. By the fourth morning, my body was weak from little sleep, lack of enough food, and from not being able to let my wolf go for a run. She was restless, begging to be let out and to sink her teeth in Lily Rose and Priscilla's throats. Each day it was getting harder and harder to keep her at bay.

"You haven't forgotten about me, have you?" I shouted down the empty hall. The only person to visit me had been an Omega to the Alpha who was bringing me strips of dry chicken and some stale crackers.

Letting out a sigh of frustration, I sank on to the cot and leaned against the cool, cement wall. Bringing my legs up to my chest, I thought of Priscilla. When I had asked the Omega about her, he had simple said she was alive. As reassuring as that was, I constantly wondered if that was looking at the bright side. What if she was in a coma from severe blood loss? What if she wasn't healing right and would slowly and painfully die? What if the cuts were so deep they hit a major organ and she was bleeding internally?

Footsteps coming down the hall snapped me out of my nauseating daydream. I stood up and moved in front of the bars. It was Beta Devon and four of the guards.

""Morning, Madeline." Devon greeted blandly. The four guards stopped beside him, observing each of my moments as Devon folded his hands together. "Alpha Maddox has come to the conclusion that you, Madeline Kerr, will be banned from Red Moon Pack effective immediately. You will be escorted to the end of Red Moon's territory and not allowed to return. If you return, Alpha Maddox has instructed guards to kill you on sight. Any questions?"

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