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"Stephen gave me permission. Now, step aside." I ordered, glaring at the copper-haired guard in front of me. For the past three minutes, he had been trying to tell me I was wrong, that I was in fact not allowed to leave. Each of us were half right. I was exactly allowed to leave Black Mountain territory, but Stephen had given me permission to walk around alone. Still, we were halfway to the territory boarder but this guy wouldn't leave me alone.

"I'm not interested in getting punished by the Alpha, sweet-cheeks, so just go back to your mate." he said, gesturing back towards the main living surroundings.

I growled that he called me sweet-cheeks. "Don't act charming, asshole. Just fuck off, I have more of a right to be here than you." I walked around him, shoving forcefully into his shoulder, pushing slightly sideways.

He growled and suddenly I found myself laying on my back. The last thing I expected was for him to fight me back. I was his Alpha thanks to Stephen being my mate.

Quickly standing up, I snarled at him. "You will regret that." I lunged forward, claws out. The man held his ground and grabbed my wrists, flipping me to the ground. About to stomp his foot down to my chest, I rolled over and swung my leg under him. He landed on the ground but was on his feet in seconds, his fist colliding with my jaw. I had to admit the wolf was a good fighter. I liked a challenge.

Facing one another, I growled and decided to make a break for it. Fighting him would set me back a few minutes, and I knew what could happen in seconds.

I shifted, my black wolf like a bullet in the wind. After running for ten minutes, I knew I was completely alone. If someone was chasing me, they were far behind. You go wolf!

I felt the pull of Black Mountain pack territory then the snap as I broke out of it. No longer could I mind link with Stephen or any other member. Slowing to a stop, I looked back to where I had just came from. Was it a good idea to run? With Black Mountain, I had protection. Out here, it was just me. Kicking myself, I realized if I had simply asked, Stephen could've dealt with Red Wolf pack for me. But then I'd have to explain everything to Stephen.

"Stop it, Madeline! You're wasting time thinking about this!" I mumbled to myself once shifting back into my human form. I'll find another pack or learn to live in human civilization. Yeah, that will work.

I turned. Instantly, my feet dug into the ground. I felt like a tree, roots restraining me to that spot.

"Madeline," The ice blue-eyed man said. "It's so nice to see you again."

"Maddox." I breathed, glaring at him. Stay composed, Maddie. Don't let him see the fear. Behind him stood Devon and Jacob, plus two dozen other fighters I recognized. No way would I survive this.

The silver haired Alpha took a threatening step forward. "That's Alpha Maddox to you!" His voice boomed through the forest. Devon growled beside his alpha, green eyes challenging. I resisted the urge to flip him the bird.

Crossing my arms, not caring I was naked, I narrowed my eyes at them. The wolves with Maddox were his best fighters. Leave it to Maddox to abandon his pack, taking all his good fighters with him, leaving his pack defenseless.

How had he gotten here so fast and had all his best fighters with him? "You got here quickly." I said, voicing my thoughts. "If you missed me that much you couldn't just wrote me a heartfelt letter."

Devon clicked his tongue in outrage. "You can never take anything serious! Neither could Christian. No wonder you two were so happy together."

My feet no longer felt rooted to the Earth as I took a step forward, my growls shaking the trees. My arms felt to my side, hands in iron tight fists. Some wolves took steps back. I resisted the urge to smile. Nice to know I can be intimidating when I wanted to be. "Don't you dare say his name!"

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