« Chapter 11 »

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What to look out for:
Y/N your name
M/N middle name
L/N last name
H/C hair color
E/C eye color
F/B favorite book
F/C favorite color
F/F favorite food
Italics are thoughts...

I stare at Y/N.
She looked...how do I say it...depressed.
Her bags were the most noticeable thing along with her bloodshot eyes.
She shuts her door.
"Y/N!!",B/N yells.
"Open up before I break this door!!!",He says.
"3...2...1...",He says.
The door creeks open.
"Vylad..you can go in",B/N says.
I nod.
My heart was pounding.
I regret going with Alyssa.
I'm a horrible person
Y/N was on her bed.
She wasn't looking at me.
She was looking down ignoring me.
My heart hurts...
I walk over to her and sit down.
"Hey....",I say.
She remains silent.
"I'm...sorry...",I say.
My voice was shaking.
"...",She listens.
"I hate myself for what I did...I didn't do it...she did...I...um...",I say.
She looks up at me with teary eyes.
"y-y-y-you like h-her d-d-don't y-you",She says looking back down.
I freeze up and nod.

« Y/N'S POV »
I felt like throwing up...I was nauseous and had a really bad headache too.
"...",I remain silent.
I feel tears running down my face.
"A-Are you okay?...",He says noticing my tears.
I wipe them.
"Y-Yeah...",I say.
"I-I just g-gotta go for a w-walk...",I say getting up.
"Y-Y/N...",He says before I close the door.
I look at him.
"...",I remain silent and walk out leaving the door open.
I put on my shoes and start to walk.
My eyes where bloodshot from crying.
I don't care though.
Never will.
Everyone cries.
(So true tho- I cry aLoT)
I run into someone but brush it off.
I'm not in the mood to apologize...
"Y/N?",Says a voice.
Gene? Ryan?
Who was it..
I turn around but don't show my eyes.
Laurence? Who...
"It's Ryan...",They say placing their hand on my shoulder.
I open my eyes and see Ryan with a worried expression plastered on his face.
Tears fill my eyes and I pull him into a hug.
He seems confused at first and hugs back.
"I-I d-don't k-know what to d-do...",I say sobbing on his shoulder.
"I...Come home with me...",He says.
"H-H-Huh...?",I say.
I pull away from him.
I wipe my tears.
"Come home with me",He says.
"B-But...my brother is gonna kill me...",I say.
"Oh...umm",He says.
"Wanna hang out here?...",He says.
I slowly nod.
"Sure...",I say with a weak smile.
He smiles.

I walk around the park waiting for Laurence.
This guy takes too long I swear...his hair looks fine for Irene's sake
I spot someone.
She was with one of her fanboys.
He looks different though..not really a fanboy.
He wasn't crazy.
Vylad hasn't been hanging out with her now that I see it..
He's been hanging out with this girl...what's her name...brat...
I hated that brat.
She doesn't even like Vylad.
She's using him.
For attention.
I look over at Y/N.
Her eyes were bloodshot red.
I need to talk to Vylad...but I need to talk to Y/N first.
I walk over to them.
"Hey",I say with my soothing voice.
I swear I'm so charming
Oh my Irene I'm kidding
(Stfu Garroth your hot asf)
She jumps.
"h-hey...",She says covering her eyes.
"Wh-",I get cut off.
"Hey!",I hear Laurence.
"I have to go...",I say turning around waving.
I run towards him.
"What takes you so long? Your worse than me I swear...",I say sighing.
"I have to look good",He says.
I face palm.
"Anyways...why were you over there?",He asks.
"Oh...",I say.
"Well...lets go somewhere else",I say shoving my hands in my pockets.
"Hey hold up",He says.
We go to a bridge.
(If ya remember it ye)
"So...Okay one it's obvious but Y/N likes Vylad and I've noticed that since day one",I say.
He nods agreeing with me.
"Yeah",He says.
"Vylad started hanging out with this girl...remember that girl we used to call "Brat" ?",I say.
He nods,"Yeah".
"She's back...and its hit Y/N hard",I say frowning.
"Has Vylad realized it?",He says.
"I don't know...",I say.
"That's messed up...",He says.
"Yeah...",I say.
"She keeps hanging out with Ryan...",I say.
"Ryan??",He says.
"Y-",He cuts me off.
"Oh...him",He says sighing.
"Someone about him?",I ask.
"Nah...just a fanboy",He says sighing.
"That's what I thought",I say sighing.
A bird flys by which startles Laurence.
I snicker.

It's been forever and Y/N isn't here..
She left at 4...it's 6...
I get up and walk out her room down the stairs and out the house.
I hear Y/N and someone else.
It was a guy with dirty blonde hair and bright green eyes.
I felt my heart shatter.
He was brushing her hair off her eyes.
She laughs.
"It's fine...i can deal with it in my eyes",She says.
I haven't heard her that happy in a long time....
There was a sharp pain in my heart.
I...can't watch anymore...no no...
I felt like I couldn't breathe.
He leans towards her.
I felt like fainting.
The pain in my chest got worse each second.
They were connected.
Tears were rolling down my cheeks.
Not much but a few..
The pain went away after they pulled away.
"I-I...",She says shocked.
"I have to go!",She says burning up from embarrassment.
"B-Bye",He says.
...I'm sorry Y/N
(H A take that just kidding ily Vylad)
He walks away into the darkness and Y/N was a blushing mess.
I show myself and walk up to Y/N.
She didn't notice me.
I hug her.
She pushes away than looks at me.
"...",She stares at me.
"I-I'm sorry Y/N...",I say.
She opens her mouth.
"I mean it...I-I'm sorry...",I say looking at her.
"...",She looks down and back up at me with a weak smile.
"I-It's okay...",She says with a shaky voice.
My eyes widen.
"R-R-Really?...After what I did?",I say.
She nods.
"W-We're friends...remember?",She says.
I felt a bit hurt.
She giggles.
"I'm just kidding...",She says.
"Huh?",I say.
"Best friends?~",She says.
Dang it...I mean- what?!
"Y-Yeah...",I say.
She smiles.
Best friends huh...?

(Boi you just got friendzoned to death;) )

Okay I'm out

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