« Chapter 18 »

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What to look out for:
Y/N your name
M/N middle name
L/N last name
H/C hair color
E/C eye color
F/B favorite book
F/C favorite color
F/F favorite food
F/A favorite anime
F/PTE favorite place to eat
Italics are thoughts...

We finish.
She stretches and than winces.
"I-I forgot about the cuts",She says nervously.
"Oh",I say.
I place my hand on her arm as if it was glass.
And kiss it.
I see her face go rose red.
"I-I...U-Uh...",She says.
I noticed what I did and blush.
"S-Sorry...I...Didn't mean to!",I apologize.
"N-No...It's fine. Really",She says.
"R-Really?",I say.
"Yeah, really",She says with a warm smile.
I haven't seen her smile like that for a long time...to be honest right now...it's pretty cute
I blush.
What am I saying! Oh no I'm getting feelings again...
I bury my face in my hands hiding the blush.
"Vylad? Are you okay?",Y/N says with a. Worried tone.
"yeah...",I say surprisingly not stuttering.
"Are you sure? You look...flustered and confused?",She says.
I remain silent.
She places her cheek onto my cheeks.
My face heats up even more.
"Your burning up...are you sick?",She ask.
"N-No",I say rubbing my neck.
"Are you sure?",She says doing the same on my other cheek.
"Liar! Your so hot!",She says.
She mumbles something.
(What do you guys think she mumbled?)
She pulls me into her bed laying me down.
It was cozy enough to make someone fall asleep in an instant.
I see her run down stairs out the room.
A few seconds later she comes back with a towel.
Water was dripping off of it wetting her skirt and sleeve.
She pulls them up showing her bandages.
She places the towel on my forehead.
It was cold, not really cold but just.
"Do you want a snack? Drink? A blanket?",She asks.
"Y-Y/N...I'm fine",I say.
"Are you sure?",She says.
"Yeah I'm...fine just a bit...",I stop.
Excuse! Oh Irene think...
"You get me right?",I say not managing to think of anything.
"no",She states.
"W-Well...Uh",I say.
"Just tell me and I'll get it",She says.
"Fine...Just get me a water",I say.
She nods walking out the room.
I sigh.

« Y/N'S POV »
I walk down the stairs to the kitchen.
I open a cabinet grabbing a cup.
I think I was forcing him.
I feel something shatter.
Oh god...
I look down at the mess I made.
Glass was shattered all over the counter.
I quickly clean it up.
I get a few cuts here and there but I don't care.
It didn't hurt.
(Me: *cuts self on accident with small piece of glass* SCREE)
I think back to where mom was talking to this Tom guy.
I frown at the thought as I slam the cabinet closed.
I feel tears go down my face.
I hate you mom
You were the only person aside from B/N and Vylad that made me happy and were for me when dads disappearance occurred
Quickly wipe my tears.
I fill the cup with water and walk back upstairs.
I walk towards Vylad handing him to cup of water avoiding eye contact with him.
"Thanks",He says with a smile drinking it.
I turn back around wiping my tears.
"Y/N?",He says.
I quickly turn back around with a smile.
"Yeah?",I chirp.
"Do you...wanna go to school?",He asks.
My smile drops instantly as I look down.
"I don't know if I have to be honest Vylad",I say rubbing my arm.
"I mean we do have all periods together ",He says.
I nod.
"We already ate too so we're good! And we only have a few hours left so that's even better",He says with a smile making me blush a bit.
"Y-Yeah...",I say.
He places the glass that was full of water on my counter and puts his backpack on and I do the same with my F/C one as we walk out the door.
"Wait...I think we should sneak out the window since my mom will be confused on why we're going now",I say nervously as I rub my arm again.
He nods as I open the window looking down.
It wasn't too high so I jump into a bush squeaking as the butterflies in my stomach start to go crazy.
He does the same and we both start to run to the school.

UwU a short chapter
Here's a bad Vylad I drew because it's 1AM and I cant sleep or draw shit so🤷🏻‍♀️👀

UwU a short chapterHere's a bad Vylad I drew because it's 1AM and I cant sleep or draw shit so🤷🏻‍♀️👀

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