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“Do you think it was them?” David asked us quietly as we loitered in the hallway.

I nodded, looking in the other room to check they weren’t listening to our conversation. They were too busy with their beer to care so my eyes went back to David. “Without a doubt.”

“Yeah, who else would shoot at us?” Shane asked him.

“What are we going to do?” David sighed.

“I’m tempted to just give you up.” My brother grasped his collar. “I wouldn’t go through the shit we’re about to go through for anyone but family.”

Fear flashed in my friends eyes. “Lucky he’s like a brother to us then, right Shane?” I asked, easing Shane’s hand from around his neck.

“Right.” Shane answered with no enthusiasm whatsoever.

“I think our best option is to wait it out.” I told them. “Attacking them like David did would be reckless, and they would be more prepared for it.”

Shane nodded. “I’ll go tell the guys. Nad, you go get some rest, you’ve had a long night.”

When I was about to open my mouth in protest, he just gave me weary look. “Alright. Night Shane.” I kissed him on the cheek and hugged him tightly before going up the stairs to bed.

POV Shane:-

Once Nadia was upstairs I turned to David. “This is the first and last time we do something like this for you, David, you ever pull a stunt like this again you’re on your own, got it?” I growled.

“I know, I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking-” He started.

“Wasn’t thinking?” I hissed. “That’s your excuse?” David nodded slowly. “There’s no excuse for killing someone David. You’ve put us all in serious danger because you ‘wasn’t thinking’ when you killed, what, twenty, thirty people?” He just hung his head. “That’s what I thought.” I know I was being hard on the kid, but he needed to know just how serious what he’d done was.

He looked up at me. “I’m sorry, Shane, I seriously am, this was the last place I wanted to come to.”

“Well, why did you do it in the first place?” I asked him, no sympathy showing.

“I-I wanted them to pay. I wanted them to all die. They killed my family. I’m alone. I have no one. My parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, they’re all dead.” He told me.

“You’re wrong.” Someone said. We both looked up. Nadia was stood at the top of the stairs, a frown settled on her lips. “You have us. We’re your family. Yeah, we’re not blood, but we still look at you like our brother. And you’re just throwing it back in our faces?” Pause. “You know what, fuck you. You walked out and left us, you come back and drop this bomb on us and you still say you’re alone? Fine. Be alone then, if you have no one, then get the hell out of our house. You can be on your own.” She turned and walked back off to her room.

POV Nadia:-

Rage radiated off me. How dare he. I slammed the door behind me, changed into my pyjamas and got into bed. Alone? He has no right to say he was alone. I shut my eyes. My body was fuelled by my annoyance so I spent a good half hour tossing and turning in the dark before my door opened and in came my brother. “You okay Nad?” He asked, kneeling by my bed. I nodded. “Alright, if you need me I’ll be in my office, okay?”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2014 ⏰

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