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As we were watching the movie seb puts his arm around me, I look at him and smile. Liz leans over and says "getting pretty cozy huh?" I pinch her arm and she makes a noise that sounds like a mouse and a seal mushed together and everyone looks at her, she turns to me and gives me a death glare.

After movie/ after party
So I told seb I was going to drive with Liz to her house and change into something a little more comfortable for the after party and he told me he would just meet me there.

"Soooo Han. I saw you and seb getting pretty cozy during the movie. Anything you wanna tell me?"

I look at her while she drives, "nopee" I say and pop the p "you know how our friendship is, it's super flirty, that's how our personalities are"

She gives me this look like I'm totally bullshitting her. Which in a way I am. In the past I have had feeling for Sebastian but they went away after he dated Margarita. I told myself everyday if he was happy then I shouldn't be in the way of that happiness.

We pull up to Liz's house, and as we do so she asks me "so nothing's really going on with you and Sebastian?" "I promise you Lizzie. There is nothing. And if there was, I would tell you first." I tel her. Once we get inside we go straight to her room to get our clothes. I always keep extra clothes at her house just in case I spend the night. Once we got dressed into some more comfortable clothes but still cute to party in we leave to go to rdjs house.

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(Just choose which ever one you like more and then you can pretend Liz is wearing the other)

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(Just choose which ever one you like more and then you can pretend Liz is wearing the other)

At the party
Liz and I walk into the party and let me just say ITS PACKED. We find Scar, Chris, and Mackie right when we walk in. "Hey guys!" I say as we walk up to them. They all say and hello and we give each other hugs. "So Hanna, surprised you didn't show up with Stan, where is that sexy man anyways?" Mackie tells me. I laugh "I don't know, you tell me. You and Chris came here with him."

"Your right, after we got here he disappeared after a few minutes. But he's been skittish all night" Mackie tells us all. "He really was. Especially on the car ride here, was he weird at the premiere?" Chris asks me.

"No, he was as Normal as could be." I tell me. "I well we'll fine him sooner or later. Come on girls, let's get our drink on!" I say as I grab scar snd liz.

I order a Gin and Tonic, Scar gets a Manhattan (of course) and Liz asks for a Tequila Sunrise. Once we have our beverages we go and sit down.

"So Scar how's the family? I haven't seen them in forever" I say. " I know. Rose is great, she misses you both, Romain is doing great as well." 

As a couple hours pass by and I'm a little tipsy I'm on the dance floor with the girls and there's still been no sign of Sebastian. I see Jeremy and Robert and tell the girls I'll be right back and walk over to them.

"Well well well, look who it is, Jeremy Renner and Robert Downey Jr!" I laugh. They both smile at me. "Hanna! I haven't seen you all night. Where have you been?" Jeremy asks me. "Where have I been? Where have YOU been?" I say somewhat slurred. "Are you drunk?" Robert asks me. "No dude, I'm tipsyyy" I tell him. "Do you need one of us to take you home? We can find Sebastian and have him take you home?" Robert asks. "I'm totally fine, I haven't even seen seb all night, so I don't even know where he's at right now. But I'm gonna head back to the girls. Cause they're waiting for their third dance partner which is MEEE" I yell that last part and walk back to the girls.

Robert POV
"That's weird, she hasn't seen Sebastian all night?" I ask Jeremy. "I know. Let's go ask Chris and Anthony if they know where he is. They should know"

As we find Chris and Anthony we ask them if they've seen Sebastian at all tonight. "No he ran off a few minutes after we got here and we haven't seen him since. " Anthony tells is. "Yea we figured he found Hanna by now and is with her" Chris finishes up. "No Han is with the girls dancing, she said she hasn't seen Sebastian at all tonight." Jeremy tells them. We all kind of look around for Sebastian and give up thinking he just left the party without telling anyone.

Hanna POV
once the girls and I are done dancing I go to the bathroom. When I leave the bathroom and hear Sebastian's voice. I'm shocked considering he's been missing all night. I slowly walk to where he's at and was going to surprise him when I see him talking to Margarita. "But seb I still love you" she tells him. "I'm sorry but I'm in love with someone else" he tells her back. "Trust me margarita. I still love you and still have feeling for you but I can't be with you when I have stronger feelings for someone else" she gets very defending "why not?! Maybe once you come back to me. You'll realize that our connection is too deep and strong and you won't love that other woman anymore"

I start to walk away after that. Honestly none of this is my business that was until I heard her say something that caught my attention. "So you stayed with me this whole night having sex and everything just to tell me we can't even get back together!! What the hell!!" I'm shocked. Seb was here this whole time, he was just up hear stuck having sex and talking to Margarita and he didn't tell any of us.

I decided to finally just go home. I was done with tonight and all. I ask Liz if she wants to stay at my house and she agrees. After a long day we pass out in my room.

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