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"Okay, so," Scott started speaking as we all met up at his house. "A couple days ago, Liam received a message." the pack's eyes turned to me.

"It also happens to be one of my old partners," Theo spoke up making some of them mutter 'Not surprised' or 'who knew' in a sarcastic way. He only glared at them.

"It was a girl coming to finish the job, Theo didn't finish," Mason stares confused. "She wants my power, she gave Liam instructions and we will do what she has said." they open their mouths to shout but I cut them off by speaking.

"She wants me to drug all of you and take you to her." now they started all talking and arguing at once. Scott yells loudly making them stop. "I don't want anyone to fight with her okay? She wants me, she will have me." he shakily said. Why was Scott giving in? He always found ways and never gave up during a fight.

"Why are we giving in?" Corey said my thoughts. "Because even if her plan to kill me goes successful, I will survive. I always do," he tried reasoning. "What if you don't? Huh? Stiles, why aren't you arguing with this?" Lydia asked. Stiles only remained silent and played with a strand of her hair.

The famous and always finding a way Stiles, was out of it. He looked broken. No matter how much he hated the plan and would rather him go face her without powers, there would be no way in hell we would let him. "Come on Scott, we can't lose you too," Lydia begged. 

"Maybe Theo still is part of the plan," Stiles finally spoke. Theo only crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. "It would make sense that he wanted to be befriended into the pack again and got closer to Liam all the sudden," I hated how the pack was now going against Theo. I opened my mouth to defend him but Theo spoke.

"Oh, yea Stilinski? What about you huh?" Scott looked at Theo with a deadly glare. "Donavon? All-" Scott growled loudly at him making him shut his mouth. "Donavon was not my fault, maybe if your fucking psychotic mind didn't turn him like that he would still be alive!" Stiles fought. 

"No offense to you Stiles, but you can accuse me and tell me stuff but you have the most precious blood out of everyone in this group." The room went dead silent. Lydia looked ready to jump on Theo and start beating him, Malia had the same amount of information I have, Stiles looked ready to break down, and Scott was ready to go first on beating Theo to the pulp. 

"Allison was not my fault, I wasn't even myself!" I felt the pain in Stiles' voice. Even though I've only seen pictures and heard stories, I could feel his chemo signals even stronger than ever. "But it was your body."

I slowly shook my head when Theo looked my way. "Get out," whispering. How could he hurt Stiles like that? Stiles wasn't even himself, and that is supposed to be the 'excuse'? "Li-" 

"Get. Out!" growling, anger filling my veins. He only scoffed loudly before slamming the front door after him. "Stiles, I'm sorry," whispering again. He gives me a small sad smile before Lydia hugged his side. "The plan is starting Friday, nine-thirty p.m." Scott spoke softly. 

We say our goodbye's and head different ways. This plan was going to get us all killed. I just hope Theo doesn't start helping Angel with the plan. Then I could never forgive him.


Y'all, Theo is a little shit in this chapter. I also had emotions while writing this. My baby Allison didn't deserve the life she got. 

Anyways, hope you liked it and I wanted to thank you all for the reads and Votes. Can't believe we are almost to 2k already. I honestly didn't think I would get this many reads and I just wanted to thank you all.

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