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Last Chapter >>> Robbers - The 1975 [old version]

I get up gasping for air from my nightmare. It's been three months and every night has been the same nightmare of Mason. Checking the time with a small sigh. It was still pitch black outside so it's most likely very early. 

2:27 a.m.

I unwrap Theo's arm from my waist and get up walking into the bathroom. The water from the faucet runs cool and fresh. 

My reflection stares back at me. I had noticeable bags under my eyes My hair was longer considering I wasn't in the mood to cut my hair. Not in the mood for anything for that matter. 

Splashing my face, I hear Theo rustle a bit in the bed. He sadly sighs before sitting up. 

Let me fill you in, It's been three months since Mason's death. You are probably still wondering how, well he got into a car accident when there was a huge storm. He lost control and ran into another car. Everyone in that crash died. He was okay for the first hour but after I lashed out in the hospital, his heart stopped beating.

I blame myself. I told him to come over in the rain. If I didn't tell him, then he would have still been alive. 

Once I splashed myself a couple more times, I walked out of the room. Theo stood there with one eye closed and the other open. "I'm trying to not lose my sleep," he informed me with a small smile. Chuckling, I lay next to him before he got comfortable once again. 

"I miss him too. The whole pack does, you and Corey aren't alone in this," he informed. I nod with a shaky breath but I hold back. "Goodnight Theo," whispering before he kissed my forehead and he too went to sleep.


"Hey," greeting the pack as I sat down next to Malia. "You doing anything today?" trying to break the sad silence. "No just gonna stay here and eat Pizza, You?" Malia answered for most of them. "I might walk around and then eat pizza with you guys," shrugging my shoulders. 

Usually, I would play video games but they remind me of Mason too much. How he would always win and rub it in my face. 

After his funeral, everything went dull for me. The pack handled it a little better considering they have lost others in the pack too. I just couldn't and can't recover fast enough.

I had already been crying with his casket closed, if I saw his lifeless body then I would go into chaos mode again like I did at the hospital. After I broke down after my speech, I went outside while the others continued hearing the pastor talk some more.

Soon after it was time to officially say goodbye as we they then started lowering him down.

"We should go somewhere to get our minds off and relax," Stiles asked breaking my train of thought. "Pretty sure we all need it," I nod my head. I could use a distraction. "We could go on a trip to, anywhere but here?" Scott suggested with a raised brow. 

The group begins to throw around different places we could visit. "What if we went to Chicago? to visit the shameless houses?" Stiles suggested. "You watch that show?" Lydia raised an eyebrow. "Besides all the porn, it's a pretty good show," Lydia only gave a glare at her boyfriend. He wasn't wrong, o=it's a pretty good show. "Alright, Chicago, where else?" Theo cut in.

I missed our pack like this. Maybe going on this road trip would do me some good. I could get a haircut finally. "New York? Arizona? Florida? Texas?" I began naming states that came into my mind. "Alright, that should be a good month of fun?" Malia questioned to us all. 

Nodding in unison we begin to name the things we need. "It's a good thing we have separate accounts of money," Theo muttered so everyone could hear. 

Laying my head on his shoulder, I listen to the plan Scott is saying. "What of we rented a bus? We could model it into like a living place for us all to be in?" He suggested. "You think we would all make it out alive?" Stiles scratched the back of his head with a bit of sarcasm.

"It would be more comfortable though, we could walk around and we could take turns with a driver so we aren't all too tired by the time we get to our destination," Lydia pointed out. "I agree with Lydia," interrupting before anyone else could. "Alright, Bus it is, case closed," Malia excitedly clapped her hands and stood up while dragging her boyfriend. 

"We need to talk about Shameless," Lydia sternly told Stiles which made him pout while walking behind her. You could tell she was a bit serious and playful.

Theo intertwines my hand in his and he walks us towards the kitchen. "This is going to do us good," I say with a small smile to which he nodded, "Yes it is. He will be happy you're doing stuff again," kissing my lips before turning to the group.

Let the adventure and healing begin.

M A S O N 🧡 H E W I T T

It's been 3 months since I've had to fake my death. 3 months since I've seen the pack. 3 months since I have been taken. I lost all hope by now. 

I have no idea where I am. I have not been allowed outside. The only thing I have is a disconnected phone I use for the date and time. I miss my best friend and boyfriend.

I'm erased from the world and no one knows I'm truly alive.


PLOT MOTHA-FUCKIN-TWIST. I got so excited when writing this part, my step-dad looked at me weirdly. SO yes yes it is the last chapter of this book. I hope you enjoyed reading it and well yea. I'm so proud of this story considering it is my first and it has so many reads and votes. It means so much to me.

It was my last day of school and now im officially a high schooler!!!

Goodbye my friends I love you!!!

If I made a Sequel would y'all read it?

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