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Thing above has nothing to do with the story.😂😂
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8 years have past since my mother died and since I last spoke, those 8 years haven't been anything else but hell to me. I live with my bastard of a father, that hasn't done anything but get drunk, beat me, and molest me, so....................so many times since my mother died.

"Asher you worthless piece of shit get your dumb ass down here now!!!!" My bastard of a father shout. I then slowly walk towards my beating.

"When the fuck...." He then stop when he notice me in the living room door way.

He stood there and stare at me for a while with sadness in his eyes, but that quickly  vanish and rage took over. He then slowly started to walk towards me and I started to walk backwards.

"Ashley........why do you look like her so much you dumb bitch!!" He screamed at me. I flinch and continue walking backward.

Ashley was my mother's name, sometimes my father beats me for looking like my mother.

"Why don't you just go to hell where you belong, no one could ever love you, you worthless, dumb, stupid, idiot!!" He shouts at me.

I know what comes after that so when the stairs came in site I tried to run up it and get to my room, but he grab my left foot and drag me back down when I was half way up the stairs causing me to hit my head and passout.

When I woke up the sun was already up and I was laying at the bottom of the stairs in a pool of my own blood and my body felt like it has been run over by a truck over and over again.

I then slowly got to my feet and grabed on to the stair case and made my way up stairs to my room.

I went straight into the bathroom to start getting ready for school( which was where another ass whipping was waiting for me, but it's better than here.) I stripe down and went and looked in the mirror to see the damage my father did, it's worse than yesterday's( if you wanna know how I look just imagine a guy after he got beat up by the mafia because he owe them money.)

After that bath, brush my teeth and put on a black long jeans pants with a white V-neck shirt and a big hoodie jaket to hide my scars and a white converst.

When I was finish I grab my school bag and I was off to school or even better hell.

As I step into the school building right on cue I was grabed and thrown into a some locker(does the world want me to die so badly. Fuck!!). When I looked up Skyler and his pups where standing in front of me with some stupide grin on there faces.

You would of never guess this there my best friends, see how warm they treated me(you guys can hear the sarcasm.....................right). These assholes have been bullying me my hole life, but when my mother was alive it wasn't this frequently(yes my mother was my godess of war, but she's not here any more).

"Sup punk your just in time for your morning lessons." Skyler the leader of the pups said.

I just sat there shacking and pray that some one would come and save me. Guess what no one came and I got beaten again. Why is life so cruel to me.

After the ass whipping of a life time the bell finally rang for class and they finally stop pounding on me and left.

Instead of going to the infirmary like a normal person would I just when to class.

The day flew by and it was now time for me to go to work. Wait you didn't thought my bitch of a father pays my school fees or buy me stuff, he sayed that I'm lucky he's letting me live with him. Anyways I'm working as a waiter at a restaurant called ' Red lobster' they where pretty nice to give a 16 year old a job there.

I arrived at work and clock in just in time and put on my uniform and release Jannet from her shift.

Right away I started to serve people and collect there orders.

Before I new it, it was 8pm and my shift was over so I quickly change my clothes and grab my bag so I could catch the last train.

I then said my goodbyes and left the restaurant. On my way to the train station at the corner of my eye say some one following me so I started to walk faster, but he started to walk faster too. My heart was then pounding in my chest trying to came out my breathing was heavy and I was scared, no terrified. I then started to run, all I need to do is get to and area with people and the person that is following me will stop.................right?

I then bend the lane that leads to the main street but I ran into a wall, realization hit me and sweat started to pure from my body and I started to tremble. This isn't a wall, I then slowly raised my head to see a man in a black suit then suddenly every thing went dark.


When I woke up I was in a room that only has a bed in it, and a door.

I then tried to walk towards the door but they had a chain on my left foot and it wasn't long enough for me to reach the door.

I look for where the other end of the chain lead to, to see if I could broke it, but who the fuck can broke down and iron wall.

Suddenly the door flew open revealing a man with dark brown hair and eyes, he wears a black suit and shoes. He look like a person out of a old gangster movie.

We stared at each other for a really long time before he handed me a writing pad and a pen, I just sat there confused.

"Your father said that you don't talk so." He said with a deep voice that made me tremble.

"So whats your name?" He asked. I then wrote on the pad 'Asher' then holed it up so he could see it.

"Asher haaa, you can call me baby face."

Wow! Who ever gave hime that nickname really needs to get some glasses.

"Do you have any questions?" Baby face asked.

I then wrote 'Where am I?'
'Were you the one that kidnap me and why?' I then show him the pad.

"Your in Greece and I didn't kidnap you I bought you."

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