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Piper's pov;

Fender jumped on me interrupting my dreams about being with Rodney. I groaned to sit up and yell at him.

"Fender what the heck! It's only 7:40!" I exclaimed glaring at him, hopping he'd feel sorry.

"Piper! Rodney and (Y/n) went on a mission to find Herb and Bigweld!" He said throwing his hands out at me creating extra drama. My eyes widened in shock but then softened when reality hit.

"Impossible, all power was disabled last night."

"It didn't matter, either they walked or sprouted wings and flew because they're gone. Not anywhere in town."

"Oh, no." I drew my hands over my mouth just thinking of the two rusting to death. I'd lose my best friend and my crush. "Is the power back on?"

"Yes and we're all leaving to get on a train to Robot city right now! Hence me waking you up." He explained pointing to everyone else's empty beds.

"Well let's go, wait, how do you have the money for all of us to board?" I asked getting up and putting my hands on my hips. Fender turned around and frowned at me.

"We're gonna try to sneak on, either that or just try." I rolled my eyes and followed him. Wait do I need to pack anything? Nah, screw it.

Third person POV;

The gang arrived at the train station after bidding fair wells Mrs. CopperBottom and Aunt Fanny. Fender took the lead and decided to talk to the bot selling the tickets.

"Hello, hello, Fender here, see me and my friends would like tickets to robot city." The bot looked up at him politely.

"How many do you need?" He asked. Fender looked back and counted.

"5." Piper then looked around.

"Where's Cappy?" Everyone then looked around.

"She left in the middle of Herb's little concert yesterday." Crank pipped up. " And she hasn't come back since."

"Why haven't you said anything about it?!" Lug retorted annoyed.

"I don't know, I guess I just really didn't care." Crank shrugged honestly. The gang all rolled their eyes and focused back on Fender.

"Well, I guess that would be about 300 dollars." The ticket master said grimly at Fender. Fender smiled nervously and tried to negotiate.

"Well you see sir, yesterday at about noon, their was a big aircraft that had taken Her CopperBottom and The one and only Bigweld, and we are kinda low on money right now." The ticket master looked at him with a serious face.

"Well, 'm sorry but I cant allow you guys to do tha-Diesel slid something very shiny on the ticket book and stepped back. The ticket master paused and grabbed it. It was the voice chip that Bigweld had given him at the concert.

"But Diesel, your voice, your chip.." Piper said putting her hand on his shoulder, He nodded kindly and looked back at the ticket master.

"Here's five tickets." He smiled happily handing them to fender.

"Thank you Diesel, I promise one day I'll find you something better." Fender smiled at him giving him a hug, soon joined by everyone else. One by one they boarded the train in high hopes to finding Bigweld and Herb CopperBottom.

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