The Storm

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Third Person POV:

The night was stormy. With the winds screeching, lightning booming and the clouds pouring down, most would expect a hard night ahead. In a house containing 7 inhabitants and multiple dogs however all were sleeping peacefully, all but one. In the house that sheltered the famous group BTS all was well except for one little thing. The groups maknae, Jungkook, was terrified of storms. Be it the harshness of the winds, the loudness that accompanied thunder and lightning, or the thundering thumps of the rain, they all terrified the young man.

Jungkook POV:

I was terrified. It was storming outside. It was sudden too. One minute I’m admiring the starry night and the next I’m reduced to a whimpering mess on my bed. All of the hyungs were all asleep as it was 3 in the morning and we had a schedule later that day. I was having one of my inspiration nights so I was awake without a second of rest. It was going so well, I was steadily coming up with lyrics for a song that has been on my mind. Namjoon-hyung was snoring in his half of the room and all was peaceful.

Suddenly a booming noise sounded across the skies. Shocked by the suddenness of the noise my lyric book and pen fell out of my hands and onto the floor with an audible clink. That was all the notice I had for the storm that had almost immediately started once my notebook touched the ground.  A clap of thunder then sent me huddling into my blanket dangerously clutching at my cooky doll.

It’s ridiculous. I can climb on trains, hang from railings, and even disturb Yoongi-hyung in his office, but bring on a storm and I’m reduced to a big baby. I was the golden maknae, something such as a thunderstorm shouldn’t frighten me and yet here I am with big droplets rolling down the side of my face, whimpering every time thunder rumbled across the vast skies.

Once a particularly loud lightning and thunder struck at once I couldn’t contain my small scream that escaped me this time. Quickly covering my mouth because I don’t want to wake up Namjoon-hyung, I began to sob a bit. The terror becoming ever larger and the storm continued to rage on.

That obviously didn’t change any noise as the next thing I hear is rustling from the other side of the room. Another boom and another whimper.

Hyung then turned around in his bed and squinted at me. “Kookie? Are you alright baby? What’s wrong?”.

The next strike sent me into tremors throughout my still sobbing body. Understanding seemed to flash in his eyes then. “Aigo my baby, why didn’t you wake me up earlier? We all know you’re terrified of storms. You should’ve woke me up to comfort you or one of you’re other hyungs to do it.”.

With that Namjoon-hyung promptly lifted up his blanket slightly. Understanding what he meant I immediately jumped up and all but flown to hyungs bed. Once I was tucked under hyungs head still crying he tried to get me to stop crying.

“You’re fine baby. Nothing is gonna happen. It’s all outside and see its lessening up right now.” he tried rubbing his hands up and down my back to try and soothe out my tremors. Albeit feeling a little safer in hyungs arms, I was still terrified.

Namjoonie-hyung seeing my sobbing not letting up, he asked what can he do.

“Awwwwwww, I’m sorry baby. I wish I can push the storm away from you but I can’t. What do you want hyung to do hmmm?”

“Want Jinnie-hyung.” I cried out. “I want Jinnie-hyuuuung.” Thinking of my favorite hyung whose been like my mom, I couldn’t help but want him to hold me.

“Alrighty baby I’ll bring you to Jinnie-hyung.” At that point I was still teary-eyed and sniffling.

“Weally? U bring me to Jinnie-hyung?” Yes it may be childish but I can’t help it, I tend to regress when my hyungs take care of me and especially around Joonie-hyung and Jinnie-hyung.

Hearing me talk Joonie-hyung smiled down at me. “There you are baby, I was beggining to wonder if you were alright. But I have my answer now. How about we go to Jinnie-hyung now? Would you like that baby?” At my little nod he began to get up. Seeing me still laying down, he chuckled down at me.

“Do you want Joonie-hyung to carry you sweetheart?”

Still sniffling I lifted my arms as an answer.Lifting me up into his arms with ease, I naturally wrap my legs around his waist and lean into his shoulder letting my head rest there for the short journey. With Joonie-hyungs arms securely around me we made our way down the hall to Jinnie-hyungs room with Yoonie-hyung.

As Joonie-hyung stepped through their doorway I couldn’t help myself.

“Jinnie-hyung…..”I whimpered and then as if I had shouted his name he awoke. Confused at why he woke up he started looking around until he spotted Joonie-hyung carrying me while I made grabby hands at him. Seeing my teary eyes he opened his arms. Joonie-hyung then brought me over to lay with him.

“Aiigo sweetheart what’s wrong? Did you have a nightmare?” he asked while moving us into a more comfortable position including Jonnie-hyung.

“Mmmmm..mmmmmm” I shook my head. Not satisfied with my answer he looked over to the other side of me to Joonie-hyung.

“The storm.” At that Jinnie-hyung seemed to understand.

“Awwww was my poor baby scared of the icky storm?” I nodded.

“Well now you have both Joonie-hyung and me to protect you now, isn’t that right Joonie?”

“That’s right. Nothing will get to you baby. Not if we can protect our precious kookie from it.”

At that I smiled and snuggled into their embrace. With Jinnie-hyung snuggling my front and Joonie-hyung my back, I was safe. Storm forgotten, I let the warmth and safety take over.

“mmmmm…..I lob you Joonie-hyung, Jinnie-hyung.” I sleepily said.

“We love you too baby” hyungies said.

“I love you guys too. Now could you please shut up and sleep.” ahhhhh Yoonie-hyung. I almost forgot this was his room too.

“mmlobe you too Yoonie-hyung.”

“Yeah...Yeah. Sleep kid.”.

At that I was finally able to calm down and sleep. With my hyungies arms wrapped tightly around me, I snuggled into their embrace and fell into a pleasant sleep.


Hi everyone! Its the author-nim again. I decided to do another one-shot! This time it was BTS, how was it? I did this in 1 hour at 1 in the morning so please to mind any mistakes! Anyway I hope everyone is doing well! I won't really get to update next week because i'll be going back to school *cries* I'll try to get a part up for my main series for you guys so please stay in tune! Follow me on Tumblr @ihobii (Updates and other stuff) and @I-hobi-u-like-it (I make moodboards for this account).
Thank you for reading and feel free to review and suggest any ideas you may have and I'll consider writing about it.

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