Be Mine

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Song For The Chapter:"Tattooed Heart" Ariana Grande

*Austin's POV*

I was sitting on the couch next to Alex and I couldn't help but stare and admire the sheer beauty of Nikki. Her big brown eyes. Her perfect hair. That amazingly gorgeous smile. She's just perfect. I started thinkin and I realized that today was my last day in town. I wanted to spend it with her.

*Narrative POV*

"So, what are you guys' plans for the day?"Austin says to Lyssa and Nikki. "Ummm...nothing much. What about you guys?"Lyssa says. "Nothing at all."AC shoots back smiling at Lyssa. "But today is our last day in town."Austin says as his face frowns up." Well maybe we can hangout today. Me and Lyssa can head to her place to get dressed and we can meet up somewhere."Nikki says smiling at Austin." Sounds great!!!"AC chimes in.

As the girls finished getting ready the sit on the bed talking. "You're falling for him aren't you?"Lyssa says to Nikki with a smirk. "What?!? No!! He's just a nice guy. That's all." Nikki shoots back. "You gave it up to him on the first night. You don't just do that to a nice guy. You've met plenty of nice guys and they've struggled to get in those pants. You're falling. Admit it."Lyssa rambles on. Just then Nikki gets a text. It's Austin.

Austin: Hey:)

Nikki: Hey:)))

A: Are you guys about ready?

N: Yeah. We should be leaving soon.

A: Alright :). See you soon baby <3

N: See you soon.

A: Nikki?

N: Yeah?

A: Nothing. Forget it.

N: You sure?

A: Yeah. I'll see you in a bit.

N: Okayyyyy.

"What could he possibly be keeping from me?"She thought. The girls met the guys for lunch and then they were supposed to go out for a movie. The day was almost done and Austin pulls Nikki aside. "Hey. you like me?"he says. "Of course i do. Why?"she said back. "I want to make you mine."he said. A smile grew upon her face and she gasped. "Oh my god really?!?"she said full of excitement. "Yes!! I don't want anyone else."he replied. "But how would that work?"she worried. "My tour is gonna be over soon and I'll come back to see you."he replied.

The day ended and Austin texted Nikki.

A: I'm leaving in the morning but I'll be back for you babe. I promise.

N: I'll be waiting baby.

A: I love you.

N: I love you too <3

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