all that and a bag of chips

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Everything Sucks reference I know. Plus I'm confused that people read this horrible mess.


Jaeden and Lilia were talking to each other. Lilia was laying her head in his chest talking about her problems, Sadie was sitting beside Finn in the cafeteria moving her food around with a fork. Millie sat down across from them at the other table not even paying attention to anyone she was eating peacefully. Sadie looked at Millie and loaded her fork with food and flung it was Millie, Finn looked at Sadie "What the fuck are you doing Sadie?!" He questioned and sighed. Sadie ignored him and flung more food at Millie. Millie got up and rolled her eyes walking over to Sadie and Finn "I don't know what I did to make you guys hate me so mu--" Millie said annoyed and frustrated but got cut off by Sadie standing up pouring her bowl of food on Millie and grabbed Finns hand right away and walked off laughing.

Finn rolled his eyes and followed Sadie. Millie stood there and walked out of the cafeteria passing Sadie and Finn ignoring them and put out her middle fingers at them.

Sophia and Wyatt were strolling around the small library looking at books. Sophia grabbed out some Stephen King books "Tom likes Stephen King books especially It. That's his favorite" She said and looked at Wyatt that was across from her, he smiled at her "That's a good one" he nodded and continued looking through books.

Lilia was holding onto Jaedens hand "how could I fix this?" She asked with a sigh "I don't know just try your best I guess I'm sure someone would love to talk to you instead of just me talking to you" Jaeden said and looked at Lilia with a slight smile and gave her a soft kiss. Lilia smiled at him "but you're the only person I trust, I mean there was Noah but he got out" She said with a sigh.


Sadie and Finn were outside laying beside each other holding hands looking up at the sky, "Why doesn't it get sunny?" Max asked and looked at Finn, he shrugged "It's sad here" he said and  sighed slightly.

Bill walked down the halls and knocked on Gaten's and Caleb's door "meds!"He shouted and walked into the library down the hall "Meds Bob and Wyatt!" He said and walked down the other hall into the cafeteria "Meds!" He  shouted and walked around looking for Sadie and Finn.

Sophia got  from the ground holding her books and walked out "Let's go Olaf!" She said happily and skipped down the hall, Wyatt sighed and followed her down the hall mocking her.

Millie changed into new clothes and walked out of her room lining up with the others, Talia sighed and looked at Millie "There's food in your hair" She pointed out and took out crumbs. Millie folded her arms "Yeah no shit" She muttered and moved her hands away. Talia sighed and looked up at the tall doctor she figured he was about 6'4" She grabbed the small cup and took the pills putting them in her mouth and pretended to sallow them and opened her mouth showing him that there was nothing there and walked away. She walked away to Finn, Sadie, Caleb, and Lilia taking the pills out of her mouth and wiped the spit. They all walked into Gaten's room handing him their pills. Gaten quickly put the medication in his pocket before Natalia walked in "Why is everyone in here?" She questioned looking at everyone. "Just talking" Caleb said with a slight smile.

Talia and Sadie walked out "is that even okay for Gaten? He's trying to recover on his drug addiction" Talia said and looked over at Sadie, "Oh please, he was supposed to get out last week, he only lasted a few days." Sadie said crossing her arms and laughed slightly. Talia raised her eyebrows and laughed slightly "that boy is never recovering" She said and continued walking.

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