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Hello everyone this is 'theMadMadmarsz' here and I've decided to create my own 'dictionary' for UK slang terms which may confuse readers who aren't from the UK.


UK slang is slang which is used by people who live in the UK, the slang which I will be elaborating on is commonly used in London, South London to be specific.

Our slang is heavily influenced by the Afro-Carribean diaspora and also other cultures but its main influencer are those of the Afro-Carribean origin. There is also a 'cockney' influence which can be found in certain words.

The slang is used by people young AND old, so it shouldn't be surprising when you read books online and see adults, and some elderly, characters using the slang also.

As I stated previously the slang I will be focusing on is usually used by people who live in South London, although most of our slang is shared by all of London there are some words which certain areas use more than others whilst there are words which are only used in certain areas.

For example, I have a friend from East London who taught me some slang that they use over there which I had no idea about whilst I taught her slang she was unfamiliar with that we use in South London.

Some of our slang also overlaps or could have several meanings depending on the context of what it is being used in.


I will tyr my best to keep this dictionary in chronological order but I would like you all to be aware that it is kind of hard to remember the words I use in my day to day speech .. when I'm in my bedroom alone so I will continuosly update this book for you guys so that you can see the different slang which I use and other Londoners use.

As I will be adding onto this book I would love for you guys to tell me some of the words you guys are confused about that I haven't explained so that you are able to find out what that particular word means and also so we can help others understand their favourite UK books much more clearly.

Thank for you reading the introduction, I hope this dictionary is of help to those who want to read urban British writers but are confused by some of our slang.

theMadMarsz's London/UK Slang DictionaryWhere stories live. Discover now