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'Late' - This is used to show somebody they have taken long to realise something.

e.g. A group of people gossiping about two people dating, 'You're late, everyone knew that they were going out.'

'Leng' - This is another term to identify something or someone as being good-looking or nice. (refer to peng or buff)

e.g. Someone eating their Kaspa's waffle. 'This waffle is leng.'

'That's long' - This is used when somebody feels as though something is a 'drag' or time consuming and also when someone doesn't want to do something.

e.g. Someone telling somebody to travel from point A to B at 2am in the morning. 'Travelling from (said area) right now is looking long still'

'Lock Arff' 'Lock Off/ed' - This is a term used to show something got shut down or had to come to an abrupt/unexpected stop. This is usually used when social events like parties end earlier than its supposed to due to a fight or something of that nature.

e.g. Section Boyz - Lock Arff, in this song the group of rappers are basically saying that they shut down any event they hold and they also shut down other and control other things such as the road.

A party had to end early because a serious fight started, 'Aye the parties locked off since you man don't know how to behave.'

'Lightwork' - This is used to show that was something was of ease to the person or should be of ease.

e.g. Chip - Lightwork, in this song he uses the term to show off that rapping at the level that he raps at is extremely easy and that coming for his rival in the song was also easy to do.

A boy talking about how he tried to 'chirpse' a girl at a party, 'Yeah, moving to her was lightwork still.'

'Live' - Aside from its universal meaning of something being current or recent it also means something being 'lit' or exciting.

e.g. Someone talking about an upcoming party. 'That party is due to be live.'

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