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This one word, this one simple word raced in Kira's head as she rushed through the streets of Coruscant's underworld. Her pale blue skin trembling as she sat in an ally to catch her breath. Her dark blue hair sat in a long plait down her back. She hugged her knees and buried her face into them. Her greeny blue eyes filled with tears. She was scared and alone. So many thoughts were in her head she couldn't tell what was real and what wasn't. One thing she did know was that she didn't want to live the life of a bounty hunter anymore. She was 15 years old and everyday she was running for her life after an anonymous collector put a huge bounty on her. She cried, leaning against the cold stone wall in the dark ally. Soon enough she fell asleep.

Kira woke to the sound of blaster fire. A sound she heard too often as she grew up, moving from one unpleasant planet to another. The only good thing about them was that the empire was so caught up in the civil war against the rebellion that they couldn't afford to waste time and energy on these planets. They said that these planets were already broken before the war so why try and fix them?

Kira thought back to the war. The empires fall was nearly a year ago during the battle of Jakku. The new republic now controlled the galaxy. A galaxy that was supposed to be peaceful. But so far it has been mayhem. The sudden change affected a lot of people. People were scared of what this meant. What would happen next? It was different and many didn't like change. Soon it would be calmer and people will get use to the new republic but for now there still was a lot of work to be done.

Kira stood up. She put her reddish-brown jacket over her dirty purple shirt and zipped it up half way. She wore long black pants, black boots and a belt that held her blaster. She watched the fight occurring in front of her before casually walking away making sure no one was watching.

Run. That simple word meant so much. Run. But where? She knew she had to get off the planet but where to? She saw a public transport about to leave so she ran on giving the pilot credits and headed towards the back with her head down, not making eye contact with anyone before sitting down. She didn't know where this shuttle was going but it was leavening Coruscant and that was good enough for now.

Sure she was on a transport in the middle of hyperspace going some place that she didn't know but yet, she felt peace. Something she hadn't felt in a long time. She relaxed and watched the blue trail of hyperspace pass the window. She thought about the events of the day before as tears began to run down her check. The red blade. The factory. Run.

The transport pulled out of hyperspace before she could begin to think anything else about the day before. The planet looked amazing. She was used to seeing grey smoke with a world full of smugglers, bounty hunters and pirates. This was beautiful. It was green and blue with white clouds surrounding the planet. Kira looked out the window as they got closer. She had never seen a planet like this. Her tear stained face lightened up as the shuttle docked.

People rushed off the transport. Kira wanted to run so badly but she couldn't draw attention to herself so she stayed at the back, slowly getting off the shuttle in awe. She looked up to a sign reading 'Welcome to Lothal.'

Author's notes- I know this is short but this is my first time writing so it may take some time to get on my feet but I can't wait to reveal the rest of the story.

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