You wanna ride

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The red blade ignited in the darkness outlining the menacing face Kira knew too well. Kordath Solaris. A feared bounty hunter who has been following her for the past few weeks. He held the lightsaber up, letting the harsh red light reflect off his green skin. He had a sinister grin as he lashed his saber forward towards Kira.

She knew her blaster would do nothing against the well experienced fighter. She pushed her foot back into a fighting stance not taking her eyes off her enemy. She reached for a slim long pack, connected to her belt on her hip. She opened it cautiously and pull out to long cylinder hilts. She held one in each hand and ignited the blades. Four bright fluorescent blue and green blades glowed in the darkness. The unique lightsabers were green at the hilt but as the blade grew it turned blue by the tip. She held one of the double- bladed sabers above her head one end facing Kordath, the other was in front of her waist.

The stand off was soon broken as Kordath jumped forwards clashing his blade against hers. She blocked the attack moving around the other side of the dark side embracer.

"You will fall Jedi..." Kordath's threatening cold voice sent shivers down Kira's spine, as they slowly moved around in a circle not letting each other get any closer. He paused lowering his blade "just like your master did."
Rage filled Kira. She wanted to attack him, kill him right at this very moment, but she knew that was what he wanted. He wanted to get under her skin, inside her head. He wanted her to break to let the dark side take control. But she controlled herself, watching the Mirialan fill with his own rage when she did not react.

They stood on the open plans of Lothal, lightsabers ignited ready to fight for what seemed forever but was only a few seconds before a ship flew fast and close to them. They ducked dogging the low flying frater. Kira's eyes never left Kordath but his wondered to the ship that was turning around and coming straight for them again. Now was Kira's time to run. Her opponent distracted, she ran towards the unique circular rocks the covered Lothal.

She wasn't one to run from a fight but she knew she never would have won this battle. Kordath was stronger, more powerful and was skillful. In the past when ever the pair met she had her master to fight with. Her master who raised her and had been there since she could remember. Now she was alone and her only support was this crazy ship that kept swooping at the impatient being. Kira hid her sabers in her pack on her belt. She never used them or unless it was necessary and never told anyone she was a Jedi. If they asked she simply had stolen the sabers and used them as her own. But Kordath used the force and knew she was more than a simple thief.

The ship still hadn't given up, pushing Kordath to breaking point. As the ship made it's now 5th round it began to fire its nose cannon. 'Who ever was flying this thing had guts,' Kira thought as she watched from a far behind a rock. Dust flew up as the blasts hit the earth, temporarily blinding Kordath. The ship made its exit leaving him without a rival to fight. He stormed away, his mind blocked from sensing Kira's force signature.

The ship that had saved Kira's life was now coming down towards her hiding spot but at a much slower and gentler pace. The ramp opened revealing a small boy no older than 5 or 6 years old with striking green hair and piercing blue eyes.

"You wanna ride?" The boy smiled as he looked at Kira lit by the ship's lights during the darkness of night. Surely she could trust him right? He is a kid and whoever was flying this thing had just saved her life. She stepped onto the open ramp and into the cargo bay of this unknown ship with the boy. He lead her up a ladder to the cockpit. There sat a twi'lek captaining the ship.

"So where's home kid? Your parents must be worried sick," The twi'lek spoke over her shoulder as she flew towards the capital city like she hadn't just seen what had happened.

"I-I don't have a home," Kira, not sure what to do or say was able to mumble to the pilot. "But I'll just get off where ever you stop... e-even if it's a different planet I don't really mind." As soon as she said this, the ship landed outside the communications tower that Sabine seemed to live in.

"Well this is our stop. Are you sure you don't need to be taken anywhere?" The twi'lek turned in her chair now examining the girl with eyes of concern and worry.

"No no. Here is perfect thank you..." her voice trailed off looking for a name.

"Hera. Hera Syndulla."

"Thank you Captain Syndulla."

"No, please just Hera."

Author's notes:
Ok I know this is really bad but I want to publish and I don't have time to write the rest so it will just be in the next chapter! I hope you have enjoyed the book so far for the few who have read.

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