Chapter 1 : The Beginning

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*Before I start this story, I just wanted to tell you that this is only a fan fiction written by myself which I took from an MMORPG Game called Dragon Nest. This story is not the actual story from the game itself cause I just made changes to the story. I wanted to write more from myself. After all, this is fan fiction right? Hahaha. Just so you know, I play this game obviously.. and you should play too! Well, I wouldn't wanna waste much time.. Let the story begin. Enjoy!

- sonia :)*

It was 12:56am and I still couldn't close my eyes and enter slumber land. I was too excited to know that father and the others were going to pack their things to leave for Lagendia next month. In 31 days.. I just can't wait!! I had all things planned in my To-Do list. I didn't know why I planned this way too early cause I started 2 months ago. I guess I was too excited. To think the fact that now I'm a full grown young man. Well not that full.. I'm still young. Only in my early twenties. Still got a lot more to learn in line with my dream to become a true hero. Legend says that the Black Dragon is still lurking in the centre of the earth. I did not know where the hell was that place but I would risk my life to fight it and save Lagendia.

An hour has passed and I was feeling a little tired. So I tucked myself in and fell fast asleep.

The next day, I felt like someone was shaking me. I woke up and noticed that it was only my father. "Get up son, we've got a lot more stuff to do before we head to Lagendia.", he said while holding my shouder. I rubbed my eyes not saying a word but just nodded cause I still felt a little sleepy.

I got myself cleaned up and head straight to a church near by to meet up with Master Cleric Jake. We said our prayers before we start our daily routine which is consistant training. "What do you wanna be after you passed your second test, Methias?" Master Jake asked me. "I haven't made a desicion yet Sir.." I replied.

"Hmmm.. let me see, how about a Priest?", he suggested.

"I might consider that. But I like some of the Paladin skills also.. They are so cool. Wait.. Priest skills are also awesome. I can help the sick.. curing people, summon relics.. ugh!! its a tough desicion." I replied while putting both of my hands on the side of my face feeling stressed out.

Master Jake just laughed and patted me on the back. "Hahaha.. take your time to decide son. You've got a long way to go.", he said and smiled.

After a long discussion on my job training and all then we started doing it practically. I mean the training. Master Jake taught me so many new things today. He let me tried on 3 types of main weapons which are so cool. The first one was the mace, second was a wand and the last one a flail which has a chain on it. I still did not know what to decide for my second job but like what Master Jake says.. Take your time. So yeah.

As the time flies, it was getting dark. I still could not hold on to the huge mace cause it was heavy as fuck. Okay, I'm not really that holy after all cause I swear sometimes.. For God's sake, I'm only human so what the heck.

Well I was already drained out so I told Master Jake that I had to go home. I wouldn't want father to be worried so he let me go.

The way to my house was only 20 minutes away by walking so I took baby steps as I stepped on the soft grass which was covered with snow. It was so fluffy I couldn't help but tip toe-ing and making more footprints on it like a little boy playing on the first day of winter. Well it was always snowy and chilly here in Mana Ridge. Luckily I had my thick winter cloth on so it could keep me warm. I spent a few minutes playing and kicking the snow until I noticed there was bright light beside a huge tree just a few steps away. I was so curious, I went straight there and decided to check it out. The light was floating in the air. It looks like a huge ass firefly shinning towards another path way which leads to the woods. I looked closely at the light. It was too bright until I had to cover my eyes with my eyelids but not fully closed. It was no insect nor a firefly nor something. It was just a floating thing that glows so bright I could almost see the whole pathway even though it should be pitch black in there. Suddenly, I noticed that the floating shiny thing moved a little and slowly flew along the pathway. "Holy shit, it can move! Now where the hell is it going?", I thought so curiously. I wanted to follow it.. Maybe it could lead me to a secret path or something. But I had a second thought. "What about father? He would kill me if I'm not back before dawn." I thought to myself again. But that fucking glowing thing or whatever it's called is so tempting so I decided to follow it.

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