Part One

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Part One - Where's the usual latte that I have been drinking these days?

Silence atmosphere mostly took over the entire coffee shop . Everyone was busy doing their own job while taking a sip of coffee every sixty seconds. Margaret, the cashier girl with blonde hair bun could only hear the small whispers among the people, typing sounds from the keyboard laptops, barista brewing coffees and the aromas of the roasted coffee along with the sound of clock ticking each second. Feeling bored with the intimate atmosphere in the coffee shop as she decided on reading an online book in an application known as Wattpad while waiting for a customer to come by and order.

Clink, clink

The bell tinkled as the door opened. The sound of the bell made Margaret who was leaning against the black counter, looked up from her phone and put her attention to the person who entered the shop. The person was her regular customer and she was aware that a calamity had happen to the particular customer.

Margaret saw the person walked towards a chair at the corner. The person was Leila Grayson, who seems to walk-in every night into the shop at the exact time, 9 O'clock without missing a night or later than nine. Corner was her favourite spot.

She sat down while her both sides of her brunette bangs covering half of her face with her head looking to the ground and if you take a look at her she looked like a depressed girl who never sleeps at night and always wanted a cup of coffee. Coffee was her composure. She was the coffee addict.

Margaret came towards Leila, bringing her usual cup of latte without any sugar and just bitterness. As Margaret put down the latte carefully on Leila's table, she pulled out a chair in front of Leila and sat with her. Adjusting her position on the chair and she looked at Leila's shoulders, shaking and trembling. She knew something was not right in fact she could hear Leila muttering a few words but she could hear it quite clearly.

"What happened this time?" Margaret asked with a concern in her voice.

Leila had always came to the coffee shop and each time she came, there was a tragedy happened before she came. Margaret knew she couldn't interfere with people personal life, yet she felt sad and sympathy to see Leila came to the coffee shop like a poor dog crying over like a beggar, begging to eat and so she thought of helping her. Leila didn't mind though, plus she was happy that she had Margaret as a friend who was concerned about her complication.

"He... He... He cheated on me!" Leila sobbed.

"Who?" Margaret asked.

"Alec! He cheated on me with my sister!" Leila stood up and put both of her hands on the table, hard. Leila's chest was burning with anger until she liberated the anger that made other people almost got a heart attack.

All the customers turned their gaze towards them. From the people who were making small whispers to the people who was typing their keyboard laptop to the barista who was brewing his coffee, all of them had stopped doing their work and was looking towards the same direction - them.

Margaret was quite shocked and felt ashamed with her friend's behaviour and so she apologised to everyone on behalf of Leila.

She calmed her down by taking both of Leila's hands and squeezed them to give a sign to her. Leila sat down back to her seat as Margaret said with a calming tone, "It's no use if you kept crying over a man who doesn't treat you in a good way. There's a long journey ahead of us. You need to focus on that. Don't let love stopping you from achieving your goals. Move on and you will find the one who is truly good for you,"

Leila expression changed from a hurt one to a brighter one. At least, she was glad to hear the explanation from Margaret. Her nerves calmed as she heard the words that came out from Margaret's mouth. Margaret also was glad to help.

Not to forget, the latte that had been served by her friend she took a sip.

At first, she was enjoying the aroma of the latte that had entered her nasal cavity. After she took a sip, her enjoyable feelings faded. Her expression changed as if the latte wasn't good enough.

"Where's the usual latte that I have been drinking these days?" Leila asked while slowly pushed away the cup from her.

"Oh that one!" Margaret pointed up her index finger pretentiously.

Leila raised her right eyebrow while waiting for her answer.

"He's moving to another town tomorrow," Margaret shrugged.

Leila frowned. She loved his latte very much. It was different from others and much better. Even though the latte she drank came from the same machine and the same place, but it doesn't came from the same person. She felt like a part of her had gone, leaving her.

Looking at Leila's frown face, Margaret asked teasingly, "Are you in love with that guy?"

"No, I'm not! I'm a coffee addict! I know where to get the best coffee," Leila replied nonchalantly. She was about to walk to the door as Margaret crossed her arms.

"Yeah, right. His name is Nathaniel!" Margaret rolled her eyes sarcastically then giggled and everything was back to normal.

Continue reading the next part! --->

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