'Its all for you and me' ❤️

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Niall had been working late for weeks, he had been in the studio putting finishing touches on the album he was working on.
Of course this meant that by the time he got in at night you were already in bed , because it was too late for you to wait up. As much as you tried.
You missed him being there As much as he used to be but You also didn't mind, you knew that his work was important to him and you supported him all the way with that.
But tonight he had promised that he'd be home early to have dinner with you.
You where expecting him to walk through the door any minute when you heard your text tone.

Niall❤️❤️: hi princess, I'm so sorry but I can't make it home as early as we'd planned. I'll make it up to you ,i promise. Xxxxxxxxx❤️❤️

Niall:please don't be mad. I'm sorry 😔xxxxx
Niall:I love you so much xxxxxxx

Y/n: I'm not mad Niall. I'll see you when I see you then. Goodnight. Xxxxx

You quickly type back and hit send. You throw your phone down and walk over to the kitchen.
You tidy away all the supplies meant for your dinner with Niall, once you are done you decide to just go to bed.
You were so tired from your attempts at waiting up on all the previous nights that you practically passed out straight away.

Niall's pov:
I feel like an asshole. Blowing y/n off like that.
I just want to get this damn album done so that I can spend time with her. But I do want to take my time with it, I don't want to give the fans something that I just rushed to put together. They deserve something truly meaningful and from the heart.
We've wrapped things up for tonight , but I'm back straight in the studio bright and early tomorrow morning. So it makes no difference, me being finished now. Because when I get home she'll still be asleep and I'm not going to be even more of an arse and wake her. As much as I've enjoyed making this album, I'm more than ready for this thing to be finished.

When I get home y/n is asleep as I expected. I walk to our bedroom door, and I lean against the frame resting my hand and head on it.
She's beautiful when she's sleeping. Who am I kidding She's beautiful all the time.
I walk over to the bed and sit down on it. I gently brush her hair out of her face and lift the blankets up higher to be sure that they are covering her. Gotta keep my baby warm. 😊 and then I mean over and carefully place a kiss on her forehead and then smile at her. Damn I love her. I decide not to try and climb in the bed with her because i don't want to move and wake her, so I grab a blanket and rest for the night on the sofa. But cuddling up to my girl is where i really want to be.
I get myself comfortable and close my eyes, and think to myself.. soon the album will be complete and soon I won't have to be here and not there. Soon I'll spend time with y/n , and I cannot wait.
I love her......she'll be mrs Horan one day. I smile to myself and fall asleep at that thought.
Only waking once the birds sing and the light pierces in through the windows.
And the day repeats, just the same as the past month. Like a broken record.
But it will be more than worth it.
After all.
'It all wrkd out'

Stars. (a Niall Horan Imagine book, and a few 1D in there too 😉)Where stories live. Discover now