Part 3- finale 🇬🇧

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Side note: this is written as if 'seeing blind' was a single before the album ,the album hasn't been released quite yet.  Also this is time skipping to midway through the second week of your trip and on your birthday.

You wake up to peaceful silence and the sunlight flooding in through the crack in the curtains.
You then notice that Niall isn't next to you anymore and the smell of food cooking fills your nose. You smile to yourself and pull yourself up out of bed. You begin to make your way to the kitchen and you hear the sound of something metallic being hurriedly put down on the counter. You peek round the corner to see if you could see Niall. and there he was stood with a soppy smile a bunch of flowers in hand, you then look around at the arrangement he had set up. Breakfast was made and sitting on the table ready for you both ,accompanied by two glasses of orange juice. Next to the table was the most amazing bouquet of balloons you've ever seen. They were the really cool ones with the confetti inside them.

Your mouth is gaping open and you raise your hand to cover it, tears forming in your eyes. Surprised would be a huge understatement.
You knew that Niall knew why you were in London but you didn't expect anything , especially this already beautiful morning. You even thought that maybe he'd forgotten, because he didn't mention anything yesterday.
"Happy Birthday (y/n)" Niall smiled , holding the flowers out for you. You take them from him with the hand that isn't still covering your mouth. "Thank you", you managed "this is amazing...i don't know what to say" tears of happiness spilling down your cheeks. "Then don't" He said ,and before you had time to be confused his lips had found yours. You kiss him back , resting your hands on his neck still holding onto your flowers. You both smiled into the kiss, and stood there for a moment with your foreheads pressed together, never loosing eye contact....not even for a moment.
You hadn't even started your day properly yet but it had already been absolutely perfect.
You didn't even need to do anything else because everything you could ever want is right here. And the only person you could ever need is standing in front of you.

You both sit down and enjoy your breakfast together.  
It was incredible as always.
Once you had finished Niall put the dishes away and tidied everything, while you went to take a shower and get yourself ready, you used the bathroom in the guest room so as Niall could use his own.
Once you are finished getting ready you go back to the lounge to find Niall day on the sofa with the golf channel on. you chuckled at him and as he heard you he turned his head in your direction, and his jaw dropped to the ground. You didn't really understand why. I mean you'd always been told that you were pretty but you never had the self esteem to believe it. "Wow" Niall managed "you look beautiful" he finished. "Thank you." You smiled feeling the heat in your cheeks begin to rise.
He stood up ,switching off the tv. "I thought we could take a walk?" He suggested. "Ok yeah, sounds good" you nodded happily.
You both headed out, Niall locked the door behind you both. You walked a couple yards down the road until you came to a park, not one with a slide or swing set. just the field ,trees and nature kind.
It was so pretty. Niall intertwined his fingers with yours. And you both just slowly strolled through the Park ,until you reached the end. "Let's go back now....I have a few more surprises for you" he smiled turning you to face him and holding both of your hands in his. you look at him in shock ,this morning was everything you could have dreamed for and more for couldn't think of anything that could possibly make it any better than it already was. And you certainly wasn't expecting anything more after that, you didn't even expect what had already happed to happen. "What?" You asked him "what more could you possibly have planned....I really don't deserve all of this. ...seriously" you said still looking at him with a small smile."you'll see" he laughed knowingly. But then his face turned serious "and hey don't ever say that you don't deserve this..... because honestly I couldn't think of anyone who deserves it more" he smiled and then took hold of your hand again and you continued to walk back home.

Stars. (a Niall Horan Imagine book, and a few 1D in there too 😉)Where stories live. Discover now