Chapter 11 - Exactly where I want to be

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Author's Note: First I want to dedicate this chapter to this thee people user23160008, ainahmad95, goodealio . . . Thank You for supporting this story ^_^

Marics POV

After checking on Mamang (Grandma's way she wants to be addressed), I made my way to Ge-an. I saw her holding a frame on her hand, I wasn't sure what was running on her mind while starring at it although I could see there is confusion written all over her face.

As I got nearer, I notice what is in the frame that she is holding. I curve my lips up a bit when I realize something, now I know why she lock her eyes that long on the thing she was holding.

I went beside her and look at the frame before i speak "So that's it, what is why you look so familiar" I turned my gaze to her "You look like the man in grandma's painting" I said smiling

If you scan the room you can see that there is a lot of portraits of the family but drawings and paintings of the person who have the same face as Ge-an dominates the numbers, the art shows different angles of the face.

"Who is he?" Ge-an asked seriously which I found a little odd but I shrug the thought by answering her question

"Whenever we ask her, she will always just answer that it is her friend. . I can remember grandpa was so jealous of him" I said with a chuckle but she did not even laugh but instead

"Do you have any picture of her when your grandma is younger?" she asked curiously

I looked around and catches a small frame at the back of a larger frame that stand on a table making it not so visible in the area. "Ah here it is" I said getting the photo of my grandma and grandpa together

I hand it to her and she took it from my hand. She look at it intently with all seriousness in her face that made me curious but before I could ask anything we heard Aunt In calling us

"Marics!" Aunt shouted coming from the living room I guess

"Marics, Ge-an come here" she called again so we started to move towards her, I'll just save my question later

"I'm sorry this took so long" she said smiling while she puts the tray containing cookies and mango juice on a table

"Its okay aunt" I answered politely as I take our sit in the sofa while Ge-an followed and take a sit beside me

After some chat and munching on what Aunt prepared for us, she shove us away "Now, Go to your Mamang she might be waiting for you and Ge-an" giving me a meaningful look and smile

"Okay, okay we will now" I said laughing a little


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