The Tower of Truth

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"We need to split up," said Arthur. "Part of us go to find Merlin, the rest go to find the other Houses. 

"My amulet is glowing," said Gwen. Her amulet now had the white gem for, Life, and the red gem, Balance, glowing, now the third gem a brown one was glowing.

"Who is it this time?" asked Gwaine. "Lance?" 

"Which House is next?" asked Lancelot ignoring Gwaine.

"The first House of Earth; the house of craftsmen."

"It's simple then," said Elyan. "It's you, Gwen." Everyone stared at him.

"We don't need to focus on who it is, it's more of the fact that it's one of us." 

"We should split up," said Lancelot and everyone stopped to look at him. "Gwen, Gaius, Elyan, Mordred, and Leon go to find the House of Earth. Arthur, Gwaine, Morgana, and myself will go after Merlin. Any objections?" Nobody had any objections though Gaius looked a bit reserved.

"Morgana should go with them though," said Arthur.

"I'm going with you," said Morgana. "I don't want you to be by yourself and face the Tower of Truth."

"Let's get going." Arthur, Gwaine, Lancelot, and Morgana swung up onto horses and rode off.  

"Do we even have an idea of where he is?" asked Gwaine. 

"I do not," said Lancelot. 

"I might have an idea," said Morgana. "The ruins."

"What?" asked Arthur. 

"When I was her 'prisoner' that was where I was held captive. In the center of a tower lies a small platform. To get to the middle you have to tell the deepest truth or secret that you hold."

"The tower of Truth and Lies," whispered Gwaine. 

"You know this tower?" asked Arthur. 

"Well, Princess we all haven't had the luxury of staying in a castle."

"Lead us to this tower." Gwaine nudged his horse forward Lancelot right behind him. Arthur and Morgana were behind them but a small gap was left between the pairs. 

As the sun began to set they stopped at the top of a cliff. "There it is," said Lancelot.

"The Dark Tower's sister, The Tower of Truth," said Morgana her face hidden by her hood.

"Let's make camp for the night," said Arthur. "Gwaine take care of the horses." Gwaine and Lancelot left Morgana and Arthur standing at the edge of the cliff. 

"How are you holding up?" asked Morgana softly. 

"As well as I can be at this time. An attack against the Pendragons is an attack against Camelot."

"Arthur, once the Ancient Houses rise who knows what will happen to Camelot."

"My Lady Morgana, I was chosen to sit for the House of Balance I will try and do that, maintain the Balance. That's all I can do."

"But what can you really do when you have Morgause on one side and the Ancient houses coming back into play. There are six of them and you sit in the second ancient house. We have no idea who is sitting at the head of the council either."

"We will cross that bridge when we get to it."

"What do we know about the Tower," said Lancelot walking up to the pair. 

"According to legend, the pathway will only be revealed once our deepest and darkest secret is. If you try to lie or work your way around it then it is said that you will die," said Morgana her face impassive. Arthur, Lancelot, and Gwaine gulped. 

"Get some sleep," said Arthur. "We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow." Morgana nodded before turned to head back into the shelter of the woods.

Later that night Lancelot and Arthur were sitting by the fire and Morgana and Gwaine were asleep. "Are you worried about the Tower?" asked Lancelot.

Arthur sat staring into the fire for the longest time before answering. "Yes."


"No, Lance. I will finally have to face the truths that I haven't even been able to admit to myself. What is the darkest and deepest secret, wish, or truth I hold dear."

"Arthur, I have no idea either what my answer will be. I do not believe that I hold any secrets of my own that I have hidden deeply."

"Perhaps, Merlin would know. He always does. It's just that how are we gonna get through this alive. And what if Merlin isn't even there?"

"We will cross that bridge if it comes. We will find him, Arthur. He is a younger brother to me and Gwaine. We would protect him with our lives."

"Magic took him from us. Magic has no place in Camelot."

"Arthur. You don't mean that."

"Yes, I do. Magic has taken everything from me. My mother, my father, now Merlin. If I can't even save my servant then what right do I have to rule?"

"Do not forget that the seat that you were given was once your mother's seat and she ruled it before she gave it up to have you and be Queen of Camelot."

"I know what Dawn and Dusk said, Lance. But I also know that while my mother approved of magic,  my father does not and how could I turn down everything that he has worked for just because I was given a wardrobe change and a new title."

"You also are supposed to be able to do magic now also."

"No Lancelot, I do not wish to use magic. Even if you are right and magic does have a place in Camelot then I do not wish to wield it. It has lead many to corruption."

"Your father included," said Morgana walking up behind them.

"Morgana?" said Arthur spinning around. 

"My Lady."

"What do you mean, my father included."

"Arthur, Uther killed hundreds and thousands in his war against magic. Sure he may have gotten rid of the high priestesses, but at what cost. Many more have come against you to seek revenge against your father. Arthur, he killed innocent women and children."

"I am not my father Morgana."

"I know that Arthur," her voice dropped as she sat down next to him. "I know that. So does Merlin, he believed that you would be the greatest King to ever rule Camelot."

"Arthur," said Lancelot gently. "The unicorns chose you to sit for the House of Balance. They would not have chosen you had you not earned your spot."

"Did I? Even if I did, then how will I know what to say to get into the Tower of Truth?"

"You will know what to do when the time comes. Now sleep, both of you. The night is still young. I will keep watch," said Lancelot. 

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