Chapter 54 - Ready to Leave?

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Ishani turned and looked at him with confusion.

"Come with you? Where?"

"Anywhere," Rudra said coming near her.

As he took her in his arms again, she placed her palms flat on his chest and looked up at him.

"Anywhere? Where is anywhere, Rudra?" she asked trying hard not to sound suspicious.

"Are you scared? Don't you trust me?"

"I do, but I can't just go off somewhere at the drop of a hat," she replied trying to squirm out of his embrace.

"And, why are we even talking about this? You have business to take care, so go."

Rudra let go of her and pulled out his phone. Then, he dialled Viman's number and put it on speaker and waited for him to answer the call.

"Listen, you will need to handle tomorrow's meeting coz I won't be available," he said the moment his brother said hello.

"What do you mean you won't be available? I have a hell lot of stuff to do tomorrow so I can't take care of the meeting. Plus, Mr Saxena wants to see you. He is a stubborn man and you know he won't even consider the liquor license if you don't meet him, what about that?" Viman asked irritation evident from his tone.

"Well, I am not asking you. I am telling you that you are attending him. And as per the license is concerned, I'll pull some strings. Just attend the meeting."

Saying this he disconnected the call and dialled some other number and this time also he put the call on speaker.

"Connect me to Mr Naidu," he commanded not waiting for any greeting from the other side.

"Well, Sir, he is actually busy in a meeting," a woman probably Mr Naidu's secretary said.

"Tell him it's Rudraveer Sangawat."

Ishani heard some music as the woman put the call on hold and within seconds returned to the call telling Rudra that she was connecting his call.

"Mr Sangawat, what a pleasant surprise!" Mr Naidu greeted.

"Mr Naidu, I need you to do something. Tomorrow there is a meeting with Mr Saxena for the liquor license. I want that license."

"Oh ho, Rudraji, how can I do that? You know how strict the government is nowadays."

Snorting slyly, Rudra turned away from Ishani and said in a rigid voice, "Well Mr Naidu, do I need to invest my money somewhere else from now? I can do that, I won't have any problem. However, your party will definitely be in a lot of trouble."

"That's not fair play, Rudraji," Mr Naidu said and Ishani could almost picture him squirming in his seat uncomfortably.

"I never play fair, Mr Naidu. You of all the people should know that," he retorted irritation clearly marking his tone.

"But, you are asking for too much."

"I am not asking, I am telling you to do this. I believe a sane mind like yours will do what is right."

"Okay, Rudraji, your work will be done. You will have the license in one week," Mr Naidu said defeated.

"Not one week. By evening; otherwise, you know what I can do."

"Okay, okay, you will get it by evening. But, Rudraji, don't forget us."

"Don't worry, Mr Naidu, I can never forget you."

As he disconnected the call, Ishani looked at him and shook her head.

"That's called threatening."

Rudra smiled and plopped next to her on the bed.

"That's not threatening, sweetheart. It's called business."

Saying this, he again picked up his phone and dialled his secretary Mihika's number and again put the call on speaker.

"Yes, Sir?"

"Mihika, divert all my emails and calls to Viman for entire next week. Also, reschedule everything that you can. If not, then divert it to Viman. I will not be available at all for the next one week. No calls, no emails and definitely no emergencies."

"Right, Sir," his secretary replied.

"And, Mihika, please don't make a mess this time."

"NO, no Sir, you don't need to worry, I won't," Mihika replied confidently.

Ishani was still looking at him, trying to figure out what exactly he was trying to do. As he again tapped his contacts, she stood up to leave but then was tugged beside him.

Rudra pulled her to him and placed his arm around her shoulders as he smiled affectionately.

Dialling someone's number, he again put the phone and speaker and waited for the other person to pick up. But as Ishani saw the name on the caller ID, her eyes widened and she wriggled violently in his grasp. However, he did not let her go.

"Hi, darling!" Nina chirped answering the call.

"Nina, I will be gone for entire next week so if you have anything that needs attention then call Viman. And, drop that darling thing."

Saying this, he disconnected the call before she could even say anything else.

Then, she saw him message Viman that everything is settled and he will be gone for a week.

"So, I have cleared my calendar for next week. Where do you want to go?" he asked her with a huge smile on his face.

Baffled at his attitude and competency of handling everything, she shook her head and looked away.


"Unlike you, I can't speed off somewhere just like that. There's hell lot of work pending at the NGO so I can't," Ishani said as she finally managed to get out of his grip.

"You can do all this, but I can't. It's not that easy," she added.

"Well, that's the reason why we hire staff," he replied as he dialled Kabir's number and put the call on speaker.

"Hello, Bhaisa. I was about to call you."


"Actually I was trying Ishani's number but then couldn't get hold of it. We have managed to hire 6 people in total. 3 would be joining tomorrow and 3 later in the week."

"6!?" she exclaimed in joy.

"Oh hi, Ishani. Yep, 6."

"So, she can actually take a week off if she wants?" Rudra asked.

"Yeah! Jithu and I will take care of everything. Training the new bees won't be an issue."

Bidding farewell, Kabir disconnected the call and she sat down on her bed.

"So, your calendar also looks clean. Ready to leave?"


"What if I say, its hell?" Rudra asked taking her in his arms.

She smiled lovingly and said, "With you, no place would be hell."

Copyright © Paromita Majumder. All Rights Reserved.

Image Courtesy: Pinterest

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