OHD: Chapter Seven

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Dr. Jose Luca Grazi

I stood in my living room with a look of skepticism on my face as I stared at the man of the hour, who sat shirtless, a look of indifference etched on his very own face. "Soooo," I spoke, tearing away the silence that emitted long after he told me the reason behind his eyes. "You mean to tell me that you're some sort of carnivorous animal relative to the Arctic?" I raised a brow and Kaiden sat there, not amused.

"I'm a werewolf." He deadpanned and I didn't know whether to believe it or what, honestly. It sounds like a load of shit, to be real. "Ya, okay." I snorted. Maybe he had some sort of connection to someone with high profit contact lens or something. "So you're telling me that your parents are wolves too?" He nodded in response and I had to fight the urge not to scream. "My father, Cortez, is the previous Alpha of the Scarlet Eclipse while my mother, Kyra, is the previous Luna." He explained and I sat there like an idiot. He had a sad look upon his face as he spoke of his parents.

I wonder what happened with them.

"This pack of yours," I coughed, trying to dispel the awkward atmosphere. "How big is it?" I asked and he shrugged. "I don't know." He sighed and I sensed something tragic. "I haven't been back since I turned 21." He said and I tilted my head. "Why not?" I was curious to know. "Because that was the night that my family turned against me." He explained and he finished with a tone that meant to end it. Maybe he was still sore about it.

"Interesting." I placed a hand on my chin. "So if you're some wolf, prove it." Kaiden stared at me blankly and all of a sudden, his eyes started to change to a series of colors. Brown, his normal color, to hazel, to green, to blue, to yellow, to red then to black. "What the fuck, bro?" My mouth was gaped open as I stared, wondering if I should be slightly creeped out. I could feel my fear levels slightly rising as I stood in the middle of my living room. "I-Is that," I gulped, trying not to sweat. "Is that all you can do?" I narrowed my eyes and he shook his head. "No but I don't want to scare you." That was all he said and I folded my arms.

"Um, bitch, I don't get scared. I'm offended that you think I would." I gasped, placing a hand on my chest. "Go ahead and do your thing, hoe." I waved a hand at him and he rolled his eyes, standing up. "I need you to back up, love. I need space." I shuffled backwards and he closed his eyes, cracking his neck.  I watched as fur because to come out of his body, almost like the sprouting of plants. My mouth widened in horror as small growls filled the quiet room. "What in the bloody hell!" I screeched as the sound of bones breaking elicited into the air. A loud howl cracked the silence of the room and I had to cover my ears with how massive it was. It was loud, horrifying in a sense, animalistic. There stood something large, something dark blue, something I had never seen. My body began to convulse in fear as the large being towered over me. He was massive and huge, standing on all fours in the same spot that Kaiden was just in.

Its piercing purple eyes drew me in as I took in the sight of its shiny, dark blue fur. It was about 6 feet and 5 inches tall, standing in my fucking living room. "How absobloodylutely dodgy." I broke out in a quivering tone and the wolf bowed his head. The fucking fangs on this animal, I wanted to run. "K-Kaiden?" I called out, reaching out and up a tentative hand as the wolf whimpered in reply. "You stupid dog." I deadpanned, narrowing my eyes. "Do not bite me." I warned, watching Kaiden-wolf bare its teeth. "I know marital arts and I will drop kick your arse if you bite me, idioti." I flicked him on his forehead, giggling. Somehow, my fear turned into ease and I just stood here in front of this creature, knowing it could maul me any second.

He was so tall, too tall and I had to crane my neck to look up at him. He growled a bit, crouching low. "Fuck off, mate. I'll do what I want." I tried to growl back but it didn't work and he ended up licking my arm. "You're getting my arm wet, dickweed." I blew a raspberry at him and he nudged me with his head. "You're a little cute, you stupid dog." Because I knew it was Kaiden, deep down inside, something was wishing that he would protect me.

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