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WARNING: SEXUAL STUFF (not physically, will be smut soon don't worry) :) also if ur my school friend, don't read it or you won't see me the same ever again...

I had plans for today. When I say me, I meant we, as in me and Yoongi. I never really needed to do this but seeing Jungkook giving me so much attention from the last time, I agreed to it.

Namjoon and Jin hyungs were the first ones down in the living room. We are going to play a game. Truth or dare...um dirty version...when did I get into this mess?

To be honest I didn't want to play it but Yoongi said this will be a good opportunity to make Jimin and Jungkook jealous. We all got down from our rooms into the living room, we sat in a circle while Jin was reading the instructions to us even though I'm sure we all understand the rules. Jimin and Jungkook sat across from me and Yoongi which makes me mad because I wanted to be closer with my Jungkook. Also, Yoongi was looking hella possessive to Jimin and Jungkook. Without me knowing what had happened the game has already started.

"So whoever this bottle spun to first will be the ask the question and whoever this bottle spun to second will do the action, everyone got it now?" Jin hyung explained and we all nodded our heads.

3rd person POV

Jin turned the bottle and it landed to himself. He does it again and it landed on Taehyung. Yoongi told Jin about their plans and so Jin will try his best to help the two couples, but Taehyung didn't know that.

"Truth or dare?" Jin asked Taehyung. He didn't reply until Yoong whispered softly 'truth' only for Taehyung to hear. "Truth then I guess." Taehyung shrugged his shoulders.

"If you did not end up with kook, who do you think you would end up with?" Jin asked. Taehyung suddenly knew what he needed to answer the question.

"Of course Yoongi hyung. He doesn't show any emotions to anyone but ME and it makes me feel so special and loved. To be honest I realized I actually really love Yoongi hyung." Taehyung could feel Jimin was eyeing him like it's his death day. Jungkook was looking down the whole time, Taehyung instantly felt bad for Jungkook. "But that won't ever happen because I would never leave Kook. Jungkook finally smiled.

Hoseok spun the bottle and it ended up at Taehyung, the second one landed to Jimin. Jimin picked dare because he wanted to make Yoongi jealous just like what Yoongi did to him. Jimin blinked at Taehyung and eyed Yoongi, giving a hint, Taehyung immediately understood it.

"I dare you to kiss Hoseok hyung," Taehyung smirked. "Can Jimin do that? Yoongi?"

Yoongi looked at Taehyung and felt betrayed. Taehyung whispered a sorry."Yes of course, why would I care." That hurt Jimin, he didn't have to be so mean. Jimin went close to Hoseok and smashed his lips against Hoseok's. It was the longest kiss ever. Even though Hoseok is straight, he kind of enjoyed it a little. And... um, let's not talk about how Yoongi was clenching his fists tightly.

Taehyung spun the bottle and it landed to Namjoon, who was panicking because he didn't know what to ask. The second bottle landed in between Jimin and Jungkook. Oh, shit is about to go down.

"How's that going to count?" Jungkook asked.

"How about both of you do it together." Jimin and Jungkook agreed.

"So truth or dare?" Namjoon asked while smirking.

"Dare." Jungkook was gonna say the truth but Jimin said it before him.

"I dare Jimin to give Jungkook a boner." Namjoon smirked widely."Haha, I'm so evil."

"Okay..." Jimin gulped as he looked at Taehyung and Yoongi, who both looked at him angrily. Then he faced Jungkook. "Kook sorry but it's part of the game so you won't mind right?" Jimin asked. "I guess not.."

Jungkook was getting closer and closer to Jimin, even though Jimin was not in the mood to kiss another person but he had to due to the dare. He pulls Jungkook close with him and yup they kissed. To both Jimin and Jungkook, it felt like nothing, no passion, no love at all, just a simple peck. Jungkook shyly pulled away and faced a red face Taehyung.

Oh damn, he was really mad. Although Taehyung knew he had to control himself, however, he stood up and grabbed Jungkook's wrist real hard, almost hurt Jungkook. That was how mad he was.

"Sorry guys, me and Jungkook would like to have some alone time together, thank you," Taehyung said while clenching his jaw. Then he took Jungkook to his bedroom.

shit 's bout to go down like hell.

Taehyung closed the door of the shared bedroom. He immediately smashed his lips against Jungkook's. Although Jungkook didn't like to be forced he still kissed back passionately. Taehyung tried to let his tongue in but Jungkook denied it because he wasn't ready at that moment plus everyone might still hear them. So Taehyung bit Jungkook's bottom lip to make him moan and he used that moment to slip his tongue in. Exploring Jungkook's wet cavern freely. Even though Jungkook didn't like being forced but he had always loved the feeling of Taehyung kissing him passionately.

At the same time Jin, Namjoon, and Hoseok were outside of their room listening to what's going on inside these doors. While Yoonmin was on the opposite side of the couch, one not talking with the other. Suddenly Jimin walked close to Yoongi and sat next to him.

"I'm sorry, hyung," Jimin exclaimed with puppy eyes.

"You have nothing to be sorry about." Yoongi looked away.

Jimin held Yoongi's hands and they were cold but Jimin's were warm. The coldness of Yoongi and the warmness of Jimin combined perfectly. Although not only physically, but also emotionally. They knew deep inside that they loved and cared for each other very much but Yoongi was not able to express his true feelings out, it's hard for him.

"I'm sorry for kissing Hoseokie hyung," Jimin exclaimed.

Yoongi jealously laughed."Hoseokie I see." Yoongi turned his head so he's completely not facing Jimin.

"Come on, Yoongi!" Jimin pouted cutely.

"Well, what do you think will make me forgive you?" Yoongi asked as he turned his body over and he was facing Jimin completely, to be honest, he was just asking for a simple kiss but of course he wouldn't say it because he is simply...Yoongi.

Jimin saw Yoongi turned his body to face him, their faces were almost touching. Without another thought, Jimin pecked Yoongi's lips.

"What was that?" Yoongi asked as if they never kissed once. They've kissed each other once when Yoongi confessed his feelings, which was another long story that the author might write a chapter about it.

"Because of Love and affection, you idiot!" Jimin exclaimed.

"Ew disgusting."


"Do it again." Jimin chuckled at Yoongi's words. He leaned in and pecked Yoongi's lips once more and leaned back.

"Not enough, pabo!" Yoongi immediately blushed after his own statement and smashed his lips on Jimin's. Now it wasn't a peck anymore, it was a full-on kiss with tongues swirling and dancing together.

{theauthorisdyingfromfluffyness} Thank you guys for waiting this long! I'll start editing and revising chapter 3 soon don't worry my loves. Please vote and make sure to leave your comments because I LOVE seeing your reactions hehe!! {Attack with purple}

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